Need Input On Cycle Extension


New member
Hey guys, I'm new around here but have been lurking for a while.

I have been on for six weeks and have seen some pretty good gains, nothing amazing.

My cycle so far: hdrol 75/75/100/100/100/100
Stano: 600/600/600/750/750/750
Currently on ultradrol ( weeks 5-8) 12/16/20/24

What I have seen so far: I feel great, have gained 10 lbs, lifts are up

My question is can I extend this cycle for 10-12 weeks If I stop all orals after week 7 or 8 and use a transdermal such as trenazone?

I have done my research and understand that injectables are the way to go, but I cannot find them and I am already shut down. I am not afraid of needles and would love to be running some test prop right now.
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