Hi all, as you know I am pretty new here and am still learning as fast as I can and as much as I can. I have been doing quite a bit of reading, talked to a few folks and am trying to come up with a plan that is reasonably safe for me and is capable of producing quick and substantial results. So I thought I would just toss out my plan here for you guys to critique, adjust and simply tell me what you think so here goes. First off I should probably let you know that I have had two hydroceles, one on each testicle resulting in two surgeries. One testicle has an area of dark discoloration when viewed on ultrasound and my Urologist has me come in once a year, get another ultrasound done and check to make sure it's not cancerous. Due to the hydroceles, the surgeries and all the Evil Knievel trauma I caused my testes growing up I have extremely low test and I'm only 33 which sucks. I'm gonna be on TRT for the rest of my life. Since it is TRT and not test injections for the sole purpose of bulking up, I never have a cycle period for the test. I get 100mg in the hip every Wednesday with no breaks. Now on top of that I plan to add the following: 100mg Deca every wed with my test injection and 100mg every Saturday for 10 weeks, MP Assault every workout day (which will be every other day) just prior to starting my workout, MP Re-Con after every workout, 100mg DHEA daily, MP Armor-V everyday. Twin-lab ZMA fuel 3 caps every night before bed, MP Casein shake every night just before bed, MP Z-Core PM every night just before bed also MP Bulletproof every night before bed on a 5 day on 2 day off cycle. Diesel Test Pro-Cycle to help increase test level and libido, MP unflavored Glutamine mixed in with MP Combat powder shake and S3Labs Untapped every morning. Arimidex .5mg every other day and once that is gone I will be switching to MRSupps Forma Stanzol. Forged Liver Support everyday from day 1, Forged Post cycle as well as Protein factory Post cycle. As I pointed out in the beginning I will not be cycling the Test, only the other compounds that call for it. The Liver support and post cycle compounds are added to help safe guard my organs as well as try to boost my sex drive etc since that is so low due to my condition. I will also be running an 8 week cycle of D-Bol from the beginning to get a jump start on my strength training and think running the protective compounds concurrently will help minimize liver and kidney problems. I think that is everything I have come up with, I have the Anabolics, the pro-hormones, the cycle/liver support, the vitamins and proteins, and the Estrogen blockers. Which reminds me, I will be using Almond milk for the shakes instead of dairy or soy. No dairy so I can keep the cholesterol down and no soy as it has compounds that mimic estrogen. Let me know what you guys think, what I should change, get rid of, increase the dose etc. Oh should I add a Joint complex like Forged Joint Repair or Xtreme Joint Support? Just remember this is my first major supplement experience, I really need the pro-hormones and stuff because the test alone is not enough get my sex drive going and being only 33 I really need to get that fixed. At my age I should still be chasing tail since I'm not married but I don't, which really steps on your quality of life. As far as the other compounds go from what I have read and as I understand it I think it's a comprehensive and well laid out course of action. Thanks for your input, it is much appreciated and with your help I hope I can have a quality life again someday very soon.