If you want I can put together a cycle calendar for you. I just need to know your cycle info, like start day/finish day, how many weeks, what your taking on what days for how long and if your gonna do a calendar don't just fill out all the drug names in case somebody gets a look at it. In my case it would be something like Deca-Durabolin 200mg would be DD 200, Dbol 25mg would be DB 25, Test injection 100mg would be TOI 100, Testim gel 50mg would be TOG 50, Arimidex .25mg would be AD .25 or RIM .25. Then just fill out each day from day 1 to the last day. You can even change the letter abbreviations to make it more encoded if your really paranoid. Then just hang the calendar on your fridge or cupboard where you keep your protein powder and/or gear and then just cross off each one as you take it. Then at the end of your cycle you can shred it, burn it, or fold it up and keep it in your fitness journal so you can look back at your cycles over the years and see your progress, what cycles worked best etc. I can also add diet info, Protein shake and supplement info.
For example Wednesday on my calendar would look something like this.
TOI 100
DB 25
DD 200
DB 25
RIM .25
TOG 50