Need lots of advice for 2nd cycle


New member
Hello everyone.

I did my first cycle with just Test E. Gained lots of mass and experience. Now I started to research for my 2nd cycle. It will be a cut cycle for 12-14 weeks. I don't wanna mess with heavier compounds for cutting so I'm just considering using some mild AAS. But I will hit the cardio more than ever with strict diet. To be honest, I want to do my best with less roid.

So, I need your helps and advices for planning my second cycle. (mostly for roid selection)

I have a close friend who said that he can find me pharmacy grade Sustanon (organon) and Primobolan (Bayer). So I thought that I can plan a cut cycle with these two.

I plan to use sustanon 250mg/week and primo 400mg/week. I think Sustanon (sust) will not aromatise that much at this dosage. Also primo is good for that purpose. It doesn't aromatise much and not strongly surpressive on HPTA.

I don't really intend to use any orals for this cycle but maybe I can add some tbol. I'm not sure about it. I was looking for anavar but I couldn't get a reasonable price from the dealers I know.

I know, it has always been said on this board that you can cut with any roid. But I just want to be sure and do everything right.

So, here is my questions

1. Is sustanon ok? I know the blood levels will not be stable because of 4 different esters. But can it really effect my purpose? If so, I can use Test E. But I don't want to use prop because of EOD pins.

2. Also, I choose primo because it is a dhb. I don't want to use boldenone because of the appetite increase it causes. Some people say primo is not as effective as bolde but I don't really believe it. If you have any idea please comment on that.

3. I have MPB. 500mg/week test E didn't make it worse. All my hair stays there. Can primo worsen it? I know it really depends on genetics but if it didn't affected from 500mgs of test, can 250mg test + 400mg primo do that?

4. I will use hcg during my cycle (250uix2/week). Should I pause hcg usage anywhere if I extend my cycle's length from 12 weeks to 14 or 16 weeks?

5. Do you guys use EC Stack or Yohimbine HCL when you are juicing? I used them before. I didn't have much sides. But I thought that this kind of stimulants may increase blood preasure on cycle. What are your opinions on that?

Thanks for all inputs.
N 1- Test is test. Some hold less water on prop.....whatever.
N2- Unsure as I ve never done primo. I m told 600 is ideal.
N3- Unsure as my hair grows like I m 12.
N4- No.. you will be fine.
N5- I don t; but my answer is based on NOT ever using them. Cuts are made in the kitchen and with activities that burn calories.
N 1- Test is test. Some hold less water on prop.....whatever.
N2- Unsure as I ve never done primo. I m told 600 is ideal.
N3- Unsure as my hair grows like I m 12.
N4- No.. you will be fine.
N5- I don t; but my answer is based on NOT ever using them. Cuts are made in the kitchen and with activities that burn calories.


primo takes alot for a little effect, 600mg ew MIN (rec 800-1g ew) thats ALOT of oil, so consider that. I would rec test for cut, maybe maste if hairlos is not an issue. + Aromatase inhibitor (AI) + PCT.
I also only rec hcg the last few weekd of a cycle leading up to BUT NOT into PCT @ 500iu 2X a week.

cycle I would rec and keep simple:

wk1-12 250-500mg test ew
wk1-12 400mg maste ew
wk1-14 Aromatase inhibitor (AI) * depending on test dose, but generally 0.5mg Dex eod
wk14-18 PCT: clomid 35-50mg ed and tamox 10-20mg ed *maybe add an extra week or two of tamox alone at the end.*

you could also just use test and an AI.

I rec you research "carb cycling for fatloss" on google.

I rec avoid stims IMO.

Thanks for the comments guys. They are all welcome.

So you say that, primo should be dosed high to have the desired effect. I agree with porkchop. That makes lots of oil. Probably I will take the primo out of the equation then.

As doing my second cycle, I don't want to mess with maste, tren or Winstrol (winny). Just mild ones for now :)

Lets say test is ok. I'm going to use 250mg/week (sust) and we drop that primo. What is my other options for a second roid? Tbol or anavar? Maybe equipose? Do you guys suggest any of these? Or just Test?

I already did a Test E only cycle. This is why I'm insisting on a second roid. I want to experience another gear.

Btw, this is the log of my first cycle (adding for my stats):