Need my cycle checked before I begin please!


New member
So basically I am soon to start my first ever steroid cycle!
I'm going to be doing a Test enanthate-only cycle and although I've been researching cycles, PCT etc I wanted my cycle checked by some more experienced users as there are so many different opinions and advice on these forums!

So it's going to be a 12-week cycle of 250mg per week with a 500mg frontload on the first week; I'm not looking for drastic gains and want to see how my body reacts to test.
Weeks 1-12: 0.25mg Armidex every day
Weeks 1-15: 20mg Nolvadex every day
Weeks 12-15: 50mg Clomid every day (300mg on the first day)

Does this sound about right/close/way off?

Any advice welcome, thanks!
"wow" is right. You don't need that many AI, especially on a "TRT" dose. You most likely won't even need anything after 250/week. TRT "testosterone replacement therapy" case you didn't know.
So basically I am soon to start my first ever steroid cycle!
I'm going to be doing a Test enanthate-only cycle and although I've been researching cycles, PCT etc I wanted my cycle checked by some more experienced users as there are so many different opinions and advice on these forums!

So it's going to be a 12-week cycle of 250mg per week with a 500mg frontload on the first week; I'm not looking for drastic gains and want to see how my body reacts to test.
Weeks 1-12: 0.25mg Armidex every day
Weeks 1-15: 20mg Nolvadex every day
Weeks 12-15: 50mg Clomid every day (300mg on the first day)

Does this sound about right/close/way off?

Any advice welcome, thanks!

I'd do the test 500mg /week Monday AM and Thursday PM
Arimidex only if needed, nipple feels a little off, you don't know if your body will even need it.

Save Nolvadex and Clomid for PCT, and do it properly at least 5 weeks. The first two weeks doesn't count, the testosterone will still be in your system. It will be weeks 2-7 when your off. It might be wise to add some hcg at the 2 week mark, if your balls shrank.
Might want to use some Clenbuterol, I'll help you keep your gains when off.

And if your younger then 25, I'd slap you, and erase the thought of AAS until you get older.
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Wow. You are way off. First of all though, how old are you? Weight? Height? Years training?

Really how come?
I'm 6ft tall 75kg and have been training for about 3 years, I lose muscle mass very quickly when not training as I have a very high ********* rate.

I'd do the test 500mg /week Monday AM and Thursday PM
Arimidex only if needed, nipple feels a little off, you don't know if your body will even need it.

Save Nolvadex and Clomid for PCT, and do it properly at least 5 weeks. The first two weeks doesn't count, the testosterone will still be in your system. It will be weeks 2-7 when your off. It might be wise to add some hcg at the 2 week mark, if your balls shrank.
Might want to use some Clenbuterol, I'll help you keep your gains when off.

And if your younger then 25, I'd slap you, and erase the thought of AAS until you get older.

Thanks for the advice! I'm actually 24 but my gains are getting slower and slower as I think I'm reaching my genetic peak.
What would you suggest taking during the cycle then?
And was the HCG 2 weeks after the last jab or 2 weeks into the cycle?
6 feet tall and 165 pounds? That doesn't sound like you have reached your genetic potential. Have you had your body fat % checked?

Don't run that cycle you proposed. Dosages are all off. It sounds like you could make a lot of serious natty gains if you got your diet squared away.
my gains are getting slower and slower as I think I'm reaching my genetic peak.

Dafuq? you serious? Your 75kgs...

If you've been training for 3 years and your 6ft and 75kgs gear will not help you, however 6 solid meals a day and more effort in the gym will help you immensely!
Look into a diet more suited for putting on size/ mass. 3 meals with some bullshit protein shakes ain't going to cut it. Go read the beginner cycle stickys after you figure out your diet. Your definitely not eating to support trying to gain anything at the gym. It really is 80% diet...
6 feet tall and 165 pounds? That doesn't sound like you have reached your genetic potential. Have you had your body fat % checked?

Don't run that cycle you proposed. Dosages are all off. It sounds like you could make a lot of serious natty gains if you got your diet squared away.

What dosages would you recommend then? Thanks!

Dafuq? you serious? Your 75kgs...

If you've been training for 3 years and your 6ft and 75kgs gear will not help you, however 6 solid meals a day and more effort in the gym will help you immensely!

Look into a diet more suited for putting on size/ mass. 3 meals with some bullshit protein shakes ain't going to cut it. Go read the beginner cycle stickys after you figure out your diet. Your definitely not eating to support trying to gain anything at the gym. It really is 80% diet...

75ks isn't my peak weight, I've lost a lot of weight recently due to going away and been out of the gym but I'm naturally an extreme ectomorph so putting on fat or even muscle has always been an issue.

I'm sick of fluctuating up and down so much so this time when I get back into the gym I want to overshoot my usual growth rate if that makes sense.
you dont need a cycle brother.. you need your diet checked.. youre easily 50lbs under weight..

if you cant eat to grow without a cycle then you will never be able to grow on cycle.. you'll bloat up..feel good about yourself.. and lose everything in pct..

its horribly obvious that you have not been eating correctly.. you cant argue that you have.. unless 3 years ago you weighed 120lbs??

get in the diet section and post your diet.. im in there daily..

or instead of spending all that money on gear that is worthless to you without proper nutrition consider hiring me to handle your nutrition and teach you how to eat to grow.. check out my website at or contact me at for more info if interested

remember, its 80% diet... feels great to sit in a ferrari, but without gas in the tank you ain't going nowhere..
The quote of the week! Feels great to sit in a ferrari but ain't going nowhere with no gas in the tank! Reps