Need opinions on a deca/test cycle


New member
Hey guys first post on here but anyway, I'm 23 220 lbs 16 body fat, I want to run a cycle of deca and test. I was thinking 300 of deca a week and 150 of test a week. I know test might seem low but I want to run a cycle that won't do much to my hair, my last cycle I ran dbol test and then tren and after all was said and done I notice my hair may have lost a little thickness. What kind of gains are average for this cycle. I could also throw 30mg of dbol in too but I figure that my hair wouldn't take kindly to it. Let me know my diet would dialed in too.
If you are going to lose your hair, it is going to happen regardless of what cycle you run. Just a matter of time.
It's hard to say what u would gain on that cycle. It's up to ur diet, training, genetics. How many cycles have you ran. What where they?. How much did u gain from them... I'm hoping it planing on having an AI and PA and PCT on hand?