Need some advice about SARMS


New member
Hello everyone.

I know I don't write that much in here and I apologize, but I work 14hours a day and have to spend 2-3 hours at the gym and at least 1 hour for on home works and dog stuff and also not forget sleep, but I do read a lot from you guys here and respect everyone who is doing an amazing job and hope you all can keep helping us "noobs" to fill the gap on some things here and there every now and then.

Anyway, here is a question I have for anyone who wishes to answer.

In my last post

I was looking to see what my second cycle should be and got some nice advice from lots of people who I greatly appreciate. Now, recently a friend of a friend (who happens to be a bodybuilder/trainer) approached me and told me about SARMS. Up till yesterday I knew nothing about these things, his pitch was sounding so cool and amazing at first, telling me that with SARM you do not need PCT, they are not toxic to the liver, they do no damage to the body, they do not bloat you or retain water, etc...etc. He kept insisting on not doing AAS cycles and start SARM cycles which are the BOMB in the US right now (his words exactly). So I did some research on SARMS and on many blogs and forums I see people that are either for SARMS or against them saying that PCT is still needed with SARMS, also that they are not as good as AAS and also something about Cancer problems. This last part had me worried really since in my family we have had many Cancer deaths and do not want anything that can risk this. I'm not sure if I got all the correct info on these stuff or not so I'm asking anyone who can shed a bit more light to the subject. Do you think that SARMS is a better choice from AAS? As I said in the past I'm not a person who wishes to continue cycling for the rest of my life but do a few AAS cycles to bulk up, then cut and then keep any gains I can keep naturally. Hope to hear from you guys.
Hello everyone.

I know I don't write that much in here and I apologize, but I work 14hours a day and have to spend 2-3 hours at the gym and at least 1 hour for on home works and dog stuff and also not forget sleep, but I do read a lot from you guys here and respect everyone who is doing an amazing job and hope you all can keep helping us "noobs" to fill the gap on some things here and there every now and then.

Anyway, here is a question I have for anyone who wishes to answer.

In my last post

I was looking to see what my second cycle should be and got some nice advice from lots of people who I greatly appreciate. Now, recently a friend of a friend (who happens to be a bodybuilder/trainer) approached me and told me about SARMS. Up till yesterday I knew nothing about these things, his pitch was sounding so cool and amazing at first, telling me that with SARM you do not need PCT, they are not toxic to the liver, they do no damage to the body, they do not bloat you or retain water, etc...etc. He kept insisting on not doing AAS cycles and start SARM cycles which are the BOMB in the US right now (his words exactly). So I did some research on SARMS and on many blogs and forums I see people that are either for SARMS or against them saying that PCT is still needed with SARMS, also that they are not as good as AAS and also something about Cancer problems. This last part had me worried really since in my family we have had many Cancer deaths and do not want anything that can risk this. I'm not sure if I got all the correct info on these stuff or not so I'm asking anyone who can shed a bit more light to the subject. Do you think that SARMS is a better choice from AAS? As I said in the past I'm not a person who wishes to continue cycling for the rest of my life but do a few AAS cycles to bulk up, then cut and then keep any gains I can keep naturally. Hope to hear from you guys.

First, if you're spending 2, 3 hours in the gym you're not training hard enough or efficiently.
First, if you're spending 2, 3 hours in the gym you're not training hard enough or efficiently.

I do not understand why every time the first person to answer in some forums in a discussion is always someone who wants to seem like the "smart guy". Hey!!! Smart Guy, yes, I'm talking to you Kenfury, 2-3 hours is spent while being there and driving there, I live around 30-40min away from a gym (depending on the traffic), OK??? Got it now? Thanx for your input and next time ask before you type. Have a nice day.
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I think if you search this forum you will find many many many threads on sarms. I think they will answer many of your questions
Yes, SARMS are considered safer than AAS. But, just like everything in life, "all in moderation"...

Some sarms, you will want to run a full PCT, and like AAS, time on should = time off.. Like tx045 said, there's PLENTY of logs on here from different members running different sarms. Check them all out. Note which ones are running a full PCT afterwards. Look at the dosing for each compound.
tx045 & Yjyankee thank you very much for your input. I am reading anything I can find in this and any other forum for SARMS. But to tell the truth so far all I see is that they are still too new and very experimental to trust, so many of the compounds have come and gone in a flash (because of problems) and a new one replaces them and I don't think I want to try something that is still new. AAS is something that has been around for decades now and I think there are data everywhere about all the negative and positive things when using AAS and also how to do them right. I don't know how I can trust something new, I don't like being a guinea pig for anyone. I think I have made up my mind and go through the Test/Deca cycle as planned. Again thank you for your input.
tx045 & Yjyankee thank you very much for your input. I am reading anything I can find in this and any other forum for SARMS. But to tell the truth so far all I see is that they are still too new and very experimental to trust, so many of the compounds have come and gone in a flash (because of problems) and a new one replaces them and I don't think I want to try something that is still new. AAS is something that has been around for decades now and I think there are data everywhere about all the negative and positive things when using AAS and also how to do them right. I don't know how I can trust something new, I don't like being a guinea pig for anyone. I think I have made up my mind and go through the Test/Deca cycle as planned. Again thank you for your input.
if first cycle do 12=14 weeks of teste or cyp +AI and pct. next time add deca IMO
if first cycle do 12=14 weeks of teste or cyp +AI and pct. next time add deca IMO

Hello porkchop (nice nickname by the way).

No, this will not be my first cycle

My first cycle was 6 months ago : 500mg of test/12 weeks (using exemestane from day 1, and had my PCT with Nolva & Clomi).

Unfortunately, even though I was planning to have a test-e & deca (or Dbol) cycle next month, it so happens that here in Greece having this Capital Control issue prevents me from purchasing any Deca or Dbol (or anything for that matter) from outside of Greece and here we cannot buy any Deca or Dbol without a prescription from a doctor, while Test is available for purchase as is exemestane, nolva & clomi (without prescription) and so I think I will do just another test cycle after all and wait for next year when Capital Control is lifted to do the test- deca cycle. I will also start a calendar record of this cycle just to have it there as a reminder in the future.

Thank you all for your input, I appreciate any helpful advice I can get anytime.
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