need some advice on my post cycle therapy (pct) for cycle


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need some advice on my pct for cycle

Hello, I am going to be running this cycle in a month or so and I got the cycle down right, just trying to figure out my pct if someone could shed some light into it.


1-5 Dbol 40mg ED
1-10 NPP 100mg EOD----400mg week total
1-12 Test P 150mg EOD----600mg week total
1-12 exemestane 12.5mg ED

not too sure was thinking

nolva 40/40/20/20
clomid 50/50/20/20

I do not want to get gyno rebound, keep that in mind.
Should be good to go with that pct... If you want to you can add a hcg blast on the week your waitng for pct to start... clomid 50/50/25/25 wont hurt either...
I see a few things. First, their are 3-1/2 injections per week if you pin EOD, do your weekly average will be:
NPP 350
Test 525

Currently I'm pinning 120 NPP and 175 Test for weekly averages of 420 and 612

Both Prop and NPP are short esters with very similar half lives. There's no need to run test longer, so I would run the NPP for the full 12 weeks. You can start PCT after 5-6 days. I 'think' your PCT looks good, but I've heard conflicting things about nandrolone and nolva. Some say it's fine, some say the nolva will cause a spike on prolactin if used with NPP. I'm not sure what to think on this one.

In addition to an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), you'll need to run a PA on cycle like caber or prami, and HCG is highly recommended on a cycle like this.
By the way. how old are you? Will this be your first cycle? What are the rest of your stats?
have ran dbol with test e b4 at 40mg/500mg weekly
second ran prop, Anavar (var), NPP

no this is not my first cycle, 5'10 178LB 25 years old, fluctuate 10-12% bf.

also the reason why im thinking of running test 2 weeks more than NPP is the famous deca dick, I would like to have more test in body in those 2 weeks.

and also for your 3 1/2 injections per week, I don't consider it that way because people say EOD just to keep blood levels stable and active life perposes. If I was acutally worried about dosage amount id just pin twice a week or even ED. and in a 31 day month there is 16 injections, 4x4=16, so im not worried about the whole dose that much, not that big of a deal.

mostly worried about pct and the nolva and deca you mention. not the cycle