Need some advice to add equipoise?


New member
Hows it going everyone,

ive had this cycle planned for quite sometime it consists of...................
100mg prop EOD weeks 1-4
30mg d/ball ED weeks 1-6
100mg tren a EOD weeks 6-14
700mg/wk test e weeks 1-16
400mg/wk primo weeks 1-16

this was the what i had planned with ofcoarse a vigorous pct program 2 weeks after my last shot, a buddy of mine has come across some extra bottles of eq and offered them to me at a to good to pass up price so i was thinking of adding eq into this cycle at 400-600mg/wk for weeks 1-14 just wanted some opinions on if this is over kill, my stats are 6'3'' 210lbs 7%-8% BF.

If anyone has any input it would defiantly help
Hows it going everyone,

ive had this cycle planned for quite sometime it consists of...................
100mg prop EOD weeks 1-4
30mg d/ball ED weeks 1-6
100mg tren a EOD weeks 6-14
700mg/wk test e weeks 1-16
400mg/wk primo weeks 1-16

this was the what i had planned with ofcoarse a vigorous pct program 2 weeks after my last shot, a buddy of mine has come across some extra bottles of eq and offered them to me at a to good to pass up price so i was thinking of adding eq into this cycle at 400-600mg/wk for weeks 1-14 just wanted some opinions on if this is over kill, my stats are 6'3'' 210lbs 7%-8% BF.

If anyone has any input it would defiantly help

thats alot of gear. if you really are that lean, you're still a pretty thin guy. Whats your cycle history? What are your goals?

IMO it is overkill for various reasons. No need for Dbol and Prop as a kickstart. Primo and EQ are both weak ass drugs especially at that dose.
yeah that's a lot of shit.

i've been doing 600mg of test and primo for a few months.... i wouldn't recommend low dose primo. but if you're gonna run tren anyway, i'd skip the primo altogether probably. don't really see the point.

have you ever done a dbol kickstart before? a prop kickstart? personally id probably do the dbol kickstart because i'm not sure how much i like the idea of doing over a gram a week of test for a month.

sure, the le isn't releasing all at the same time, but that's like frontloading a couple of grams of test-e at the beginning and then dropping down.... just not worth it in my opinion.

of course, i wouldn't know, that's just from what i THINK would happen so whatever, worth nothing anyway.

but yeah i'd probably just do the dbol or not kickstart at all but knowing me.... i'd probably just do the tren from the start 'cause that's how i am, like trying shit for myself.
Hows it going everyone,

ive had this cycle planned for quite sometime it consists of...................
100mg prop EOD weeks 1-4
30mg d/ball ED weeks 1-6
100mg tren a EOD weeks 6-14
700mg/wk test e weeks 1-16
400mg/wk primo weeks 1-16

this was the what i had planned with ofcoarse a vigorous pct program 2 weeks after my last shot, a buddy of mine has come across some extra bottles of eq and offered them to me at a to good to pass up price so i was thinking of adding eq into this cycle at 400-600mg/wk for weeks 1-14 just wanted some opinions on if this is over kill, my stats are 6'3'' 210lbs 7%-8% BF.

If anyone has any input it would defiantly help

What is the goal with this cycle?

As RJ wrote, that is a lot of gear!

Man, you are bumping over 1.5 grams of anabolics per week! At 210 pounds that is just not necessary IMO.

Unless you are 230+ pounds @ 8% and at least a national level competitor with years of AAS cycle history, you should be able to grow on a lot less gear than what you have outlined. I just don't see the need for most folks - 95% - to ever do more than a gram a week. That would only be after 10 or more cycles to boot.

Again, just an educated opinion but I'd rethink this cycle in terms of what the risk to reward might be.

I wouldn't call it over kill for a moderately advanced cycle, perhaps just under focused.


werd Poly. By overkill i just meant his trying to do to much (or so it seems) with too many variables.

primo is to me like weak Deca, so I'd say test/deca/dbol would be money here cause he needs some meat on that frame.
thats alot of gear. if you really are that lean, you're still a pretty thin guy. Whats your cycle history? What are your goals?

IMO it is overkill for various reasons. No need for Dbol and Prop as a kickstart. Primo and EQ are both weak ass drugs especially at that dose.

this would be my sixth cycle... ive used test sust deca dbol anadrol and tren in the past never done more then 1.3 1.4 grams of gear a week... this is probably going to be my last cycle due to some work related issues so i kinda just wanted to go out with a bang, deca seems to give me problems when it comes to gyno and hairloss so id like to stay away from that compound and ive heard many good things about primo so i deffiantly want to keep that as a base along with the tren never had anything react to my body better... was never really a prop fan just thought it might be good to kickstart.... i usually always kickstart with some dballs just to get into it quick i guess my goals for this cycle are to be up around 230+ with a large strength increase and shredded up
but yeah i'd probably just do the dbol or not kickstart at all but knowing me.... i'd probably just do the tren from the start 'cause that's how i am, like trying shit for myself.[/QUOTE]

how long can you actually run tren a for safely ive never really gone over 8 weeks myself would love to though
what kind of dosage of primo should be ran for it to be worth while?

to me anything less than 6-800mg.w is worthless when you can take deca at 400mg/w and do more.

If you have probs with Deca gyno, you should be taking a dope agonist. With Tren also. Are you or have you with either?
at your weight height and bodyfat, you need to just eat more naturally and build up a good frame to build off of. then look into aas.

if your dead set on jumping on, then id say just run a test/deca/dbol cycle. you will add more mass off of that.
If you have probs with Deca gyno, you should be taking a dope agonist. With Tren also. Are you or have you with either?

i always try and have letro on hand just in case, heard of people running nolva throughout their cycle i usually save it for my pct had lots of people say it may hinder overral results. thought about maybe running 10mg a day of the nolva just to keep all the sides down. never had to take anything for the tren was always under the impression that tren does not convert to estrogen
I don't think it's too much anabolics maybe just more complicated than needed. Test/tren/dbol you are good to go. Primo is a waste IMO

I don't agree with placing mg based on body weight. Some people respond to AAS better than others. Some people require larger doses for good effects. I'm not suggesting everyone run a gram of test but really you can't say you have to be over 230 to use more than 750mgs. Everyone responds different to each compound

I do suggest starting low and staying there until you can no longer grow but don't like saying if you are x weight you shouldn't take more than y mg
Thats a lot of gear ive ran cycles with up to 6 compounds at high doses years ago, Its not a good idea your just gonna blow up and then when your coming off your gonna lose a lot of those gains, now days i use 3 compounds at lower doses and im much happier with the results and also the ability to keep more gains IMO