Need some advice.


New member
Alright guys.Ive been tryin to post on here for some weeks and now I got it so.Im 25 195 lb about 10 % bf been lifting steady for 4 years.Im about to start a Test E/Deca cycle in the coming months.If somebody would map it out for me I would be extremely appreciative.I have no Idea when to start which one and how long to run it.
Alright guys.Ive been tryin to post on here for some weeks and now I got it so.Im 25 195 lb about 10 % bf been lifting steady for 4 years.Im about to start a Test E/Deca cycle in the coming months.If somebody would map it out for me I would be extremely appreciative.I have no Idea when to start which one and how long to run it.
If this is your first cycle then you don't need the deca. Do some research on test e/c only cycles, look for and research Aromatase inhibitor (AI), PCT, bloodwork, diet, routine and learn a thing or two before you put anything in your body.
Actually itll be my second.First Cycle I ran Test E250.I ran out of it after five full weeks(due to supplier trouble)just as I had began to see great results. then I got hit by a van on a bike and have been off for three weeks.Now Im back to work and am gonna give at least two months before i start.I know about pct and the other things.I just need to know How long to wait to start the deca after ive started the test and how long to run the deca.
1. Find a new supplier so you never run out lol.
2. Start them the same exact time man, however long you plan to run your test stop the deca 2 weeks earlier.
PM me if ya have any questions, as i forget to follow threads.