Need some AI advice test c 600ml wk anadrol 50mg daily


New member
I'm three weeks in my cycle. Test c 300ml every 3.5 days and 50mg anadrol ed. Letro is on its way. No sides yet but going to use as a preventive measure. A couple of questions... Will the anadrol still be effective at 25mg and what dosage and how often should I use the letro? Using Clomid for my pct, should I continue the letro post cycle as well?
for pct use clomid and nolvadex.
well iv never used adroll so I'm not sure how the mg works but id use metro based on how much u think ill need. start off with a low dosage and work ur way up depending on how much u think u need to control the bloat.
CLomid and Nolvadex for PCT always, No AI during PCT

As far as Anadrol, depends on yourself and what your looking to get out of it as well. I ran dbol at 40mg a day split 10mg every 3 to 4 hours so levels were more stable.