Need some diet advice!


New member
Hey guys, was wondering if you could give me some diet advice. Here's some info about me:

I've made some ok gains so far but my diet is sort of all over the place. I've been counting my calories every single day, but since I just started bulking again in late July all i've been doing is making sure i'm getting well over my maintenance in calories (it was 2700 before this bulk). I'll eat for example 3500 cals one day, then 3350 the next, then 3700 the next and so on. I'll eat whenever i'm hungry really, making sure i'm getting tons of protein in every meal. My body type is certainly *pure* endomorph, as i put on fat very easy and have wider hips. Oddly enough though I can drop weight very fast when I cut too.. (?)

The plan this time around was to clean bulk by eating clean food with no cheat days, but I learned the hard way that eating too far over your maintenance is also dirty bulking..I sort of just jumped straight into bulking thinking that shocking my system with the excess of calories instead of just adding 300 over maintence would help pack on some muscle faster but that didn't really work out heh. I went from 165lbs in late July and i'm now 185lbs, so i've gained 20 pounds in roughly 3 months :/ Here is an example of what I'll eat usually in a day, but my diet isn't really set in stone.

Meal 1: 2 pieces of whole what bread, 3 eggs, 2 egg whites, 2 pieces of canadian bacon
24g fat, 38g carbs, 51g pro

(pre workout carbs) Meal 2: 1.5 - 2 servings of whole wheat pasta, cup of marainara tomato sauce
5g fat, 120g carbs, 21 protein


(post workout shake)Meal 3: 1 scoop protien powder, 1.3 cups of milk, 1.5 cups of frozen strawberries / bananas, 3 tablespoons of natty peanut butter
19g fat, 63g carbs, 57g pro

Meal 4: 2 whole wheat wraps, 1 cup broccoli, 1 medium chicken breast, 2 pieces of peameal bacon, 3 servings ketchup
14g fat. 65g carbs, 76g protein

Meal 5: 4 eggs, 2 egg whites, 1 cup chocolate milk, 3 servings ketchup
26g fat, 45g carbs, 43g pro

Meal 6: Either meal 4 or 5

Meal 7: same as meal 4 or 5 if im hungry. except with some cottage cheese for the casein before bed.

So as you can see my diet is really all over the place and this meal plan I've shown you isn't dead on and varies greatly everyday depending on appetite. But i make sure to get 3000 cals at the very least every day when bulking.

Any advice is greatly appreciated!
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. U can try if sugestion and see if it works for u. I hired.3j and couldn't b happier . Took all the guesswork out and monitors twice a week. Not bad price wise either, I'm saving money on my groceries compared to the diet I was piecing together. I also save a lot of time in gym by following 3js workout routine/suggestion.

Money savings (for me), huge time savings, no more frustration figuring out what works for me, my body, and my goals.
there are several advice and guideline for diet, but we can't imagine diet in very easy

easily solved by new formulation .....if just control our eating power with our personal trainer among

food diet.... then it's not complicated to make our body and health like as our wish.......
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