Need some help choosing my next cycle

My name is Mike

New member
Hey guys, this is my first post on this website, though I've been following posts here for over a year now to find info as needed.

I am currently 22 (a month from 23)
Weight: 218 pounds
Weight prior to last cycle: 203
I just finished my third cycle about 5 weeks ago and am planning my next.

My last cycle consisted of the following:

Week 1-10: 600 mg EQ E/W
Week 1-10: 500 mg Test C E/W
Week 1-10: 200 mg Tren E E/W
Week 8-10: 50mg Winny ED

My cycle was completely awesome. Made great gains in all aspects and loved this cycle. I've gotten many compliments on increased size by a lot of people who had not seen me in a long time. However, this cycle completely destroyed my back and chest with acne (Almost surely was the tren). I've had some breakouts on my face, but not too bad. I'm five weeks off cycle, HTPA is starting to pick up and getting back into a natural state. Problem is, my back is still not clearing up too well, it has improved ,but still very rough. I am forced to wear a shirt to bed as my back is starting to dry out and it cracks and bleeds randomly as I stretch it. I am not too concerned about this right now as it is clearing up. I just want to plan my next cycle accordingly so that this does not happen again, especially as summer will be coming up.

So far I have bought 3000 mg of Primo, 2500 mg of Test E, and 500 mg of Dbol (as a kickstarter). My plan is to use the following:

weeks 1-10: 300 primo EW
weeks 1-10: 250 Test E EW

I just don't feel like this will be enough to yield desireable gains at this point. I do want to keep this cycle very clean I need to minimize sides. I was considering upping the primo to 500 (it just costs sooooo damn much, haha).. Money isn't the issue though, I will get it if it is recommended by the majority of responses. I was also considering 200-300 mast EW for the full 10 weeks. According to a lot of research I've done on mast it actually is a very good steroid, it just gets overlooked as it is typically extremely underdosed and used for too short of periods of time.

If anyone has any input on what I could mix in (other than Var, I know I can add Var), I would be very appreciative.

I'd increase the length of your cycle being your running primo.. Your not gonna be happy with 300 mg a week,, spend the dough and go to 600 mg a week, , primo is a slow, but dense muscle builder.
Masteron and primo are nearly identical. Being u already have the primo just stick with that.

Keep in mind primo is a dht and does not aromatize,, with a lower dose of testosterone your not gonna need nearly as high of a dose of an AI then your previous cycles.

You may consider adding proviron to this cycle (free up testosterone and with its affinity to SHBG it may help the two compounds work more efficiently)

You'll prob get advice saying you need to up the dose of test a bit. Personally I would
Okay, I know i've run 500mg test e EW before with low sides. I was considering upping the Primo myself, so I will up it to at least 500 mg EW. I was keeping Test low purposely to keep sides low, but I can probably get away with 500 wihtout many sides. I also considered running the Primo for 14-15 weeks. I wasn't sure on how the PCT would work at that point though. I don't want to keep running the test any longer than 10 weeks, so I guess I'm just not sure how to space the test so that I don't need to PCT for the drop in test while still on cycle.. Should I start the test in week 3 and end it in week 13 of 15, that way I can start PCT immediately after last week of Primo?

I also have some winavarex on hand (its a 25 mg of each winny and anavar). I was planning on using it in the final two-three weeks of my cycle. I will definitely pick up Proviron too if you think its going to help me out.

I know I'm not going to get "tren" results out of Primo, but I do want to run enough here to get satisfactory results and tighten up a bit. I've added about all the weight I want. I don't want to push much over the 220-225 mark. I just don't want to come out of an expensive cycle and feel like I haven't gained anything. Primo has always fascinated me though so I am very eager to try it out, I just want to get enough input to do it right.
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What sides are you worried about? If your taking an AI and keep your e2 in check then you shouldn't have much to worry about, and primo is very tolerable with very little sides (unless your prone to mpb,, being primo is a dht it can accelerate that for those who are prone to it)

I wouldn't drop the test and run only primo at any point during the cycle.. Primo shuts u down, and you'll have no test.. Maybe drop your test dosage down to maintenance levels towards end of cycle but I wouldn't drop it all together. I'd simply run the two together whole cycle,, even if u drop test down to 200 mg a week last few weeks is fine. Then start your pct two weeks after last pin.

Make sure your diet is spot on and your BF% is low.. The muscle density and hardening effect of primo is going to go unnoticed in the mirror if it isn't
He didn't mention it, but if he's done two previous cycles I hope he knows what an ai is. I'm sure he does he just isn't mentioning it. He said he planned on doing a pct but never mentions any compounds. He's leaving out important information, but I doubt he does not know what they are. OP if you don't know what those things tbone mentioned are check out the sticky, but with two cycles under your belt I hope you know most of it already.
I do know what AI's are. I've always went with the typical clomid/nolva for PCT.. I also used some prami and HCG on cycle this past time because of the tren. My concern was that I have always read never to extend test beyond 10-12 weeks. I was running the test as a base at 250 EW during this Primo cycle simply because I know Primo shuts you down. Thats why I was so concerned with how to run a prolonged Primo cycle. My problem with dosing primo his is that I am somewhat prone to MPB. I have a pretty nice receding hairline as it is, so I don't want to accelerate that anymore. I'm trying to be careful by applying minoxidil and taking finasteride on cycle, but I don't want to overuse the finasteride (I know its not really supposed to work until a few months in, I'm just trying to use it to block DHT from destroying my hairline).

My first cycle was a pure Tbol for 6 weeks, just a beginner cycle and it went well. Used nolva/clomid as PCT even though some suggested it wasnt really necessary for Tbol only.
Second cycle was Test E and Dbol for the first few weeks. Same basic PCT.
Third was the one I described in my first post. PCT with nolva and clomid. Used prami on cycle to keep prolactin levels down. Used HCG as well to keep HTPA from a complete shut down. All is going well after five weeks off and I've only lost about two pounds. So i'd say my PCT has been working well.

I'm not concerned with the PCT side of my next cycle, I have just about every PCT I could need on stock(nolva, adex, clomid, and a few OTC's). I'm just looking for some help in organizing my cycle. that being said, is it safe to run low doses of test for 15 weeks? I have a lot of life to live and dont see that its necessary to be a dumbass about this and fuck myself up by overextending a cycle.

I intend to run Primo somewhere between 300-500 mg/week. I have 2500 mg test e on hand, can get more easily, just need to finalize my set up here so I know what to order.

If anyone is willing to make suggestions as to whether I hsould run for 10, 12, or 15 weeks, I would appreciate it. I would also appreciate any suggestions about what to run the test at for the duration of the cycle. I may still run a few hundred mg's of mast for the duration of the cycle, just looking for feedback.
don't start your cycle tell you learn about, and get your hands on an AI (arimidex or aromasin).. you've been lucky and 'may have' dodged a bullet so far,, but your on your way to have some nice man boobies if you keep it up.

not sure where you got the "don't run test for more then 10 weeks"***8230; most guys on here run test much longer then that with no issues (thats because they know what an AI is).. just run as long a cycle as you'd like with the primo and have test as your base,, 14 weeks is fine.

from what I understand, receding hair line and being prone to MPB may not be the same thing,, Loosing hair on your crown on the back of your head is a sign of being prone to MPB,, I have a receding hair line and primo doesn't effect it.
BUT.. I WOULD NOT use Finasteride on cycle or any time.. I'd rather be bald and have a dick that works,, fina can mess you up in that department,, it's not worth having a broken dick for 6 months to save a few hairs.
Yeah to comment on the really sucks bro. I had the same problem in my early twenties. All that will go away once u hit your later 20s. But as for right now its not worth doing steroids if its going to give u a body full of acne, it defeats the purpose. I'd stick to test only, or atleast minimal amounts of other compounds to cut down on the acne side.
I always follow the time on + pct = time off.. so my last time on was 10 weeks, plus 5 for PCT (with 2 week gap before starting PCT).. I finished my last cycle just before christmas, so I'm planning to start my cycle sometime around early May. I just want to get this cycle planned out and get the products ordered as I can for this cycle so I'm not attempting to order last minute and end up waiting on an item.

I've had Adex on hand for a while, just never really had to run it.. I guess I could start as a precautionary measure while on cycle.
Yeah to comment on the really sucks bro. I had the same problem in my early twenties. All that will go away once u hit your later 20s. But as for right now its not worth doing steroids if its going to give u a body full of acne, it defeats the purpose. I'd stick to test only, or atleast minimal amounts of other compounds to cut down on the acne side.

glad to see somebody understands this.. It sucks. Whats the point in using and trying to get big if I'm embarassed to take my shirt off anyhow due to ridiculous acne
Yes, I was told not to start until at least 25. but to be honest, I see it that these are the best years of my life, at age 40 I'm not going to be so concerned with how good I look without a shirt on. I've run these few cycles, they've all felt great, given me a hell of a boost in the gym as I was always naturally skinny and had the frame of a runner. I could never pack on any weight or muscle regardless of how much I tried to eat. So, I don't regret getting into it at all. So far I've been lucky enough to fully recover after each cycle and all levels have tested normal per doctors visits. Haven't had any issues with nat test picking back up. I may run this next cycle as one of my last for a while, tbh. That's why I'm trying to end on Primo with a test base so that my gains should be fairly solid and not fade too much after I get off the gear. I intend to run this one from may-july and have a nice physique through the summer. After that, I may back off for a while, let my body naturally take over for a year or so while I make adjustments in life and start to plan for the future.

So, my current stats are as follows:
Age: 23(for all real matters)
Weight: 218
BF: 16%
Max Bench: 345
Max Squat: 315 (I know, pretty shitty, just started forcing myself not to skip leg day)
Shoulder Press: 235 - 8 times. (Never really go max on shoulders)

Stats prior to using a year and a half ago:
Weight 165
BF: Unknown
Max Bench: 225-230
Max Squat: 185
Shoulder Press: Approx 135 for a few reps.

So no, I don't regret getting into it at all, Just want to play this next cycle well so I don't fuck up with this one and end up screwing myself up in the future. I know the risks, I'm just looking to use some Primo. Its always interested me, I've always wanted to try it, and I like the low sides that come with it. So any help as far as planning this cycle would be much appreciated. If my typical nolva/clomid pct won't be enough, please let me know, but from what I've seen it should be. I'll also run adex throughout the cycle and maybe grab some HCG again if you think thats best.
your stats tell me youre doing it right..

its just the question of being on trt for the rest of your life starting at an early age.. thats all

as for your cycle.. your test isn't high enough and primo should be ran 15 weeks minimum both dosages need to be ran at double what you posted