My name is Mike
New member
Hey guys, this is my first post on this website, though I've been following posts here for over a year now to find info as needed.
I am currently 22 (a month from 23)
Weight: 218 pounds
Weight prior to last cycle: 203
I just finished my third cycle about 5 weeks ago and am planning my next.
My last cycle consisted of the following:
Week 1-10: 600 mg EQ E/W
Week 1-10: 500 mg Test C E/W
Week 1-10: 200 mg Tren E E/W
Week 8-10: 50mg Winny ED
My cycle was completely awesome. Made great gains in all aspects and loved this cycle. I've gotten many compliments on increased size by a lot of people who had not seen me in a long time. However, this cycle completely destroyed my back and chest with acne (Almost surely was the tren). I've had some breakouts on my face, but not too bad. I'm five weeks off cycle, HTPA is starting to pick up and getting back into a natural state. Problem is, my back is still not clearing up too well, it has improved ,but still very rough. I am forced to wear a shirt to bed as my back is starting to dry out and it cracks and bleeds randomly as I stretch it. I am not too concerned about this right now as it is clearing up. I just want to plan my next cycle accordingly so that this does not happen again, especially as summer will be coming up.
So far I have bought 3000 mg of Primo, 2500 mg of Test E, and 500 mg of Dbol (as a kickstarter). My plan is to use the following:
weeks 1-10: 300 primo EW
weeks 1-10: 250 Test E EW
I just don't feel like this will be enough to yield desireable gains at this point. I do want to keep this cycle very clean I need to minimize sides. I was considering upping the primo to 500 (it just costs sooooo damn much, haha).. Money isn't the issue though, I will get it if it is recommended by the majority of responses. I was also considering 200-300 mast EW for the full 10 weeks. According to a lot of research I've done on mast it actually is a very good steroid, it just gets overlooked as it is typically extremely underdosed and used for too short of periods of time.
If anyone has any input on what I could mix in (other than Var, I know I can add Var), I would be very appreciative.
I am currently 22 (a month from 23)
Weight: 218 pounds
Weight prior to last cycle: 203
I just finished my third cycle about 5 weeks ago and am planning my next.
My last cycle consisted of the following:
Week 1-10: 600 mg EQ E/W
Week 1-10: 500 mg Test C E/W
Week 1-10: 200 mg Tren E E/W
Week 8-10: 50mg Winny ED
My cycle was completely awesome. Made great gains in all aspects and loved this cycle. I've gotten many compliments on increased size by a lot of people who had not seen me in a long time. However, this cycle completely destroyed my back and chest with acne (Almost surely was the tren). I've had some breakouts on my face, but not too bad. I'm five weeks off cycle, HTPA is starting to pick up and getting back into a natural state. Problem is, my back is still not clearing up too well, it has improved ,but still very rough. I am forced to wear a shirt to bed as my back is starting to dry out and it cracks and bleeds randomly as I stretch it. I am not too concerned about this right now as it is clearing up. I just want to plan my next cycle accordingly so that this does not happen again, especially as summer will be coming up.
So far I have bought 3000 mg of Primo, 2500 mg of Test E, and 500 mg of Dbol (as a kickstarter). My plan is to use the following:
weeks 1-10: 300 primo EW
weeks 1-10: 250 Test E EW
I just don't feel like this will be enough to yield desireable gains at this point. I do want to keep this cycle very clean I need to minimize sides. I was considering upping the primo to 500 (it just costs sooooo damn much, haha).. Money isn't the issue though, I will get it if it is recommended by the majority of responses. I was also considering 200-300 mast EW for the full 10 weeks. According to a lot of research I've done on mast it actually is a very good steroid, it just gets overlooked as it is typically extremely underdosed and used for too short of periods of time.
If anyone has any input on what I could mix in (other than Var, I know I can add Var), I would be very appreciative.