Need some help reading my bloodwork


New member
(Just had my BF% measured at 11%)

I have 29 yrs of training experience. My first cycle was the usual "Test only first cycle" in 2011. I started that at 195 & finished at 214. I'm planning on doing my first show at the end of this year. I thought about running Dbol/Test/Deca cycle but decided on this for my 2nd.

My next cycle: *STARTING 2/8/15
Week 1-6: 30 mg Dbol kickstart
Week 1-12: Testosterone Enanthate 500mg per week(250mg on Monday morn, 250 mg on Thursday evening )
Week 1-14: HCG 500iu per week(250iu along with testosterone injection...stopping 3 days before PCT)
Week 1-14: Aromasin 12.5mg ed
Week 15-19: Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

(Since my original post (1/10/15) of a cycle critique, I decided that at my age I'm ready for TRT. I'm skipping PCT to cruise for 8 weeks. Then transition right into my 16 week contest prep).

I got my bloodwork back today & most everything looks good. My cholesterol & my (what is this)"MCV"????? Is a little high. Is there anything I should be alarmed about?

I thought this was pretty interesting.... I looked at two of my past labs for T... In 2010 at 37yrs it was 336. Six months later it was 206. I've been taking 2TX test booster from Max Muscle off and on for a couple of years now. My T levels are now up to 377. Some say test boosters are a waste of money. All I know is when I'm using them I feel a whole lot better. Do you think that could be the reason for my levels going back up? I guess it doesn't matter now lol come 2/8/15 I will have the real deal flowing through my body !! Can't wait !!!

Feedback on my labs please:
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So you are pretty much at hypogonadal levels -- definitely at hypogonadal levels in your previous tests. You should check LH and FSH to determine if it is Primary or Secondary Hypogonadism (testicles or pituitary). I would encourage you to stop taking your booster and go see a doctor so you can be treated for your hypogonadism. There are serious long-term health issues caused by hypogonadism.

For youe cholesterol, try increasing the amount of fiber in your diet. Especially soluble fiber.

MCV is probably due to a cold or allergies. Don't worry about it unless it is always out of range.
I decided that at my age I'm ready for TRT:

You posted three tt results here.. You've read your own blood work results and came to your own conclusion already, haven't you..? You already know yourself, you just want justification and support for what you already pre-detrimened and know..

Yes your ready for TRT..
I think my original post was taken wrong. It has nothing to do with TRT. I simply posted my results as the normal pre-cycle protocol. I was just looking for input on if everything looks ok for me to start my cycle as planned. The TRT thing, down the road, is the inevitable. I'm planning on blasting & cruising for the next year or two. Just to see how far I can go competitively. The inevitable being,when that is all said & done, recovering my natural test at my age is probably not gonna happen. So I'm ok with going TRT at that point. It was my plan anyways. I just didn't know at what age it was gonna be. I already have a Dr. locally that I can go to when that time comes. Obviously, after my competitive aspirations have run its course.

Mega is hypogonadism another term for Low T? I looked it up & thats basically what it says. Treatment being TRT. Am I missing something here? Or is something seriously wrong & I shouldn't start my cycle as planned?
I think my original post was taken wrong. It has nothing to do with TRT. I simply posted my results as the normal pre-cycle protocol. I was just looking for input on if everything looks ok for me to start my cycle as planned. The TRT thing, down the road, is the inevitable. I'm planning on blasting & cruising for the next year or two. Just to see how far I can go competitively. The inevitable being,when that is all said & done, recovering my natural test at my age is probably not gonna happen. So I'm ok with going TRT at that point. It was my plan anyways. I just didn't know at what age it was gonna be. I already have a Dr. locally that I can go to when that time comes. Obviously, after my competitive aspirations have run its course.

Mega is hypogonadism another term for Low T? I looked it up & thats basically what it says. Treatment being TRT. Am I missing something here? Or is something seriously wrong & I shouldn't start my cycle as planned?

Yes, hypogonadism is Low T.

I think the time has arrived for you. You need TRT now.
Mega, from reading my bloodwork does it look like I'm ok to start my cycle as planned?

My next cycle: *STARTING 2/8/15
Week 1-6: 30 mg Dbol kickstart
Week 1-12: Testosterone Enanthate 500mg per week(250mg on Monday morn, 250 mg on Thursday evening )
Week 1-14: HCG 500iu per week(250iu along with testosterone injection...stopping 3 days before PCT)
Week 1-14: Aromasin 12.5mg ed
*if I choose to come off*
Week 15-19: Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

I'm planning on starting next week. You have me spooked over here.

When I ordered I covered both bases. I have my PCT ancillaries to come off as normal. I also have enough Test, HCG & Aromasin to cruise if I chose that route. At the time of purchase, I was a little undecided which way I wanted to go. Since then I made the decision that trying to recover at my age, considering my competitive goals, wasn't the best option for me. I intend on taking this as far as I can competitively. I'm totally ok with TRT for life... When that time comes. Just want to make sure my health is where it needs to be to start this journey.
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Mega, from reading my bloodwork does it look like I'm ok to start my cycle as planned?

My next cycle: *STARTING 2/8/15
Week 1-6: 30 mg Dbol kickstart
Week 1-12: Testosterone Enanthate 500mg per week(250mg on Monday morn, 250 mg on Thursday evening )
Week 1-14: HCG 500iu per week(250iu along with testosterone injection...stopping 3 days before PCT)
Week 1-14: Aromasin 12.5mg ed
*if I choose to come off*
Week 15-19: Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

I'm planning on starting next week. You have me spooked over here.

When I ordered I covered both bases. I have my PCT ancillaries to come off as normal. I also have enough Test, HCG & Aromasin to cruise if I chose that route. At the time of purchase, I was a little undecided which way I wanted to go. Since then I made the decision that trying to recover at my age, considering my competitive goals, wasn't the best option for me. I intend on taking this as far as I can competitively. I'm totally ok with TRT for life... When that time comes. Just want to make sure my health is where it needs to be to start this journey.

I think you can run the cycle if you want to. But if you are going on TRT or cruising afterwards there is no need for PCT at the end.

This isn't about needing TRT later in life. You are hypogonadal now. I think you could get a doctor to out you on TRT if you presented your blood work and symptoms. You may want to get TRT in place before starting your cycle as you would have a guaranteed source for pharma medications and a doctor to help you with any health issues that may come up in the future.