Need some insight and wisdom


Starting Out
29 years old
220 lbs
13% BF

Test E - 250 - twice week - 12 weeks
Dbol - 50 mg ed - 6 weeks
arimadex - .5mg eod
pct per stickey notes

I put the cart before the horse even after reading the posts and forums. I'm in the beginning of my 2nd week of my cycle. I've been 190 lbs 6'4" my whole life. I got to 220 before I started. I can't get my diet right though. I thought I was over eating until I sat down and added it up today and sadly it was only 3200. I'm short on time a lot of time working 50 hours a week and going to school too. So I need quick foods that I can eat and get quality calories out of without gaining unnecessary excess fat. I'm somewhat adhd and hyper active so I stay pretty lean and eat whatever I want without gaining any weight. Below is what my diet is like this week. I eat a pack of tuna and fruits throughout the day to add to this.

Meal #1 5am - Cal/Fat/Carb/Pro
1 cup oats - 300/25/2/13
3 oz sausage - 300/6/52/10
1/3 cup cranberries - 100/0/20/0
6 eggs - 420/27/6/40

Meal #2 - 8am
80z chicken - 150/.5/34/3
2/3 cup brown rice - 170/4/0/35

Meal #3 - 11am
Same as #2 but with vegetable

Gym @ 3
Meal #4
Whey Shake w/ Milk - 330/12/27/30

Meal #5
8 oz chicken - 110/2.5/0/23
4 oz London Broil - 243/13/1/28
2/3 cup brown rice - 166/4/32/3

Meal #6
8 oz chicken - 110/2.5/0/23
4 oz London Broil - 243/13/1/28
2/3 cup brown rice - 166/4/32/3

Before Bed
Casein Shake w/ milk - 240/6/11/32

It isn't as much as I thought. I'm not that big on eating and its becoming a chore now which I want to do so I can make the most of it all. Do I need to just eat bigger portions every meal? Can I supplement with a weight gainer shake such as O.N. Pro Complex Gainer 650/8/85/60 ?? I know I went about this backwards but now I need help getting it on track any constructive input will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
29 years old
220 lbs
13% BF

Test E - 250 - twice week - 12 weeks
Dbol - 50 mg ed - 6 weeks
arimadex - .5mg eod
pct per stickey notes

I put the cart before the horse even after reading the posts and forums. I'm in the beginning of my 2nd week of my cycle. I've been 190 lbs 6'4" my whole life. I got to 220 before I started. I can't get my diet right though. I thought I was over eating until I sat down and added it up today and sadly it was only 3200. I'm short on time a lot of time working 50 hours a week and going to school too. So I need quick foods that I can eat and get quality calories out of without gaining unnecessary excess fat. I'm somewhat adhd and hyper active so I stay pretty lean and eat whatever I want without gaining any weight. Below is what my diet is like this week. I eat a pack of tuna and fruits throughout the day to add to this.

Meal #1 5am - Cal/Fat/Carb/Pro
1 cup oats - 300/25/2/13
3 oz sausage - 300/6/52/10
1/3 cup cranberries - 100/0/20/0
6 eggs - 420/27/6/40

Meal #2 - 8am
80z chicken - 150/.5/34/3
2/3 cup brown rice - 170/4/0/35

Meal #3 - 11am
Same as #2 but with vegetable

Gym @ 3
Meal #4
Whey Shake w/ Milk - 330/12/27/30

Meal #5
8 oz chicken - 110/2.5/0/23
4 oz London Broil - 243/13/1/28
2/3 cup brown rice - 166/4/32/3

Meal #6
8 oz chicken - 110/2.5/0/23
4 oz London Broil - 243/13/1/28
2/3 cup brown rice - 166/4/32/3

Before Bed
Casein Shake w/ milk - 240/6/11/32

It isn't as much as I thought. I'm not that big on eating and its becoming a chore now which I want to do so I can make the most of it all. Do I need to just eat bigger portions every meal? Can I supplement with a weight gainer shake such as O.N. Pro Complex Gainer 650/8/85/60 ?? I know I went about this backwards but now I need help getting it on track any constructive input will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

The names of the foods you eat are largely irrelevant in terms of pure body composition. Just try to get a wide array of macronutrient sources to help cover your micronutrient needs. No offense to you man, but I would get tired of that diet very very quickly eating the same few things day in day out. I like a lot of different foods so my diets constantly changing. For instance, If I have a fatty steak one day I'll eat more salad and less starches to make up for the extra calories in the steak or something along those lines.

I also work ~50hr weeks, go to school, train, and just recently have had to help care for my mother (medical problems and she needs help doing things throughout the day). The way I "find time" to get all my calories in is by eating fewer, larger meals and sometimes eating more calorie dense foods such as pb, whole milk, nuts, olives, and my fav big juicy burgers lol.

I supplement with whey but generally look down on supplements since most are highly ineffective, over-priced, over-hyped, and usually there are other options better overall. Instead of paying for a weight gainer shake, make your own: oats, milk, PB, yogurt, whey, fruits, ice cream, etc. you can get the same amount of calories or more or less depending for much cheaper, it's much tastier (IMO), and its got a much better micronutrient profile (especially when fruits and veggies are added). Hope this helps man.
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Due you said it, I swear to god it gets old! I try to cook a weeks worth of food on Sunday and maybe I try to prepare too much and over think what I'm putting in my body. I think I've over read everything and trying "perfect" it like my personality tends to try to do a lot. I've read so many forums about not eating fatty foods etc. but I've also thought if I was on a bulking cycle a little extra fat wont matter cause I'm going to cut not long after it.

Thanks, it helped bring me back to reality lol.
Due you said it, I swear to god it gets old! I try to cook a weeks worth of food on Sunday and maybe I try to prepare too much and over think what I'm putting in my body. I think I've over read everything and trying "perfect" it like my personality tends to try to do a lot. I've read so many forums about not eating fatty foods etc. but I've also thought if I was on a bulking cycle a little extra fat wont matter cause I'm going to cut not long after it.

Thanks, it helped bring me back to reality lol.

Basically my philosophy is this:

1) use the katch mcardle formula to get your BMR. Multiply by activity factor to get TDEE. To cut reduce TDEE by 10-20% and bulk raise by 10-20%.

2) calculate your macros: MINIMUM 1g/lb bodyweight (BW) protein, .3-.4g/lb BW in dietary fat and the remainder of your calories can come from more protein, more fat, carbs, or a combination of all those.

3) eat at and stick to your macros. Your food choices should come from MAINLY whole and minimally processed foods to ensure a complete spectrum of micronutrients, anti-oxidants, minerals, etc. but don't be afraid to eat the foods that you ENJOY. If its a fatty steak cut some calories from another meal, if its a donut eat less rice or carbs with your next meal, if you want a greasy bacon burger eat a huge salad with it instead of French fries, you want ice cream before bed than eat less carbs or fats in one of your other meals. It's a balancing act not a rigid line to follow. Use my fitness pal to help track macros, weigh your foods with a scale, etc. it's not too hard once you get the hang of it. After a while you'll become pretty good at guesstimating portions and macros you won't even need the app. This method allows for indulgences here and there and it's about eating what you enjoy so you can stick with it. You said it yourself it gets old, it can also lead to eating disorders like some friends of mine (orthorexia nervosa) and its very easy to binge eat after a while.

Lyle McDonald - Bodyrecomposition

^^^For more detailed info look up Lyle McDonald's website, he's got a ton of nutrition and training articles and he knows what he's talking about.

Hope some of that was able to help you.