So today I just started a new cycle of DMZ 2.0. Back in October. I was was taking a cycle of steroids. Test and Deca. It did literally nothing for me after 6 weeks. I figured the gear was junk so I stopped taking it. and then I started on a half bottle of superdrol a friend gave me. It was enough for 2 weeks. and obviously didn't do anything either. I think that the test and deca I was taking wasn't a full bottle of test and deca but enough to stop my natural test production. Because after a month off.. I started losing weight like crazy. I went from 175 to 167 in almost a week and a half. Couldn't get hard to save my life. Im sure taking the superdrol right after didn't help either and not taking an sort of PCT...So I quickly got a bottle of PCT (Alpha 14 test). My body responded well. Didn't put on much weight as I expected, cuz my test levels were all out of wack. But I did put on 3 Ibs, got me back to 170. and I felt like me again. There wasnt anymore problems downstairs and my workouts went well. This was a 3 week cycle. Now that my PCT is done I want to get on a new cycle and get my weight back up. Do yall think its okay to go ahead with this cycle of DMZ 2.0? I'll definitely take a PCT this time!! I'm just worried about my natural test levels. Any advice would be great. Thanks!