New member
Hey guys i was about to start a new basic test cycle. Only my second time so keeping it pretty simple with just 400 mg test c per week and 40 mg dbol a day for the first 5-6 weeks. only problem is i was checking out a new source and was curious if it was credible or not. so i only ordered a single 10 ml bottle of test. AFTER sending off my money, i was told test c was on backorder for a week or so. after almost 2 weeks of bitching about it i finally asked for a refund. my e-mail was never responded to, but 4 days later my bottle came. now a friend of mine said that a lot of times these guys will mislabel items when they need in order to fill orders. he had ordered 10 bottles of test c and when they came 2 of them were bottles of test e that they had just placed a test c label over the top of the original bottle. i now have discontinued use of this site and bought the last of my cycle from my usual overpriced guy. so my question is, if i do the first half of my cycle with shit i know is test c, and the last half with the other guys shit, what if its just mislabeled test e? does your body recognize both chemicals as the same thing? or would i basically be wasting my time if one half is test e and the other is c?