Needing some help for 2nd cycle


New member
Ive decided to try another cycle which my first one was a few years ago. I was young and dumb during my first cycle and didnt do my homework to understand what to take in order to prevent gyno or sides. Well upon doing a little research on forums I've realized that I am very incompetent on exactly what to do. So I need a little help on what exactly to take and dosages to make sure I am doing it the right way this time.

My next cycle will be 500mg of Sus 250 (250 twice a week) and 50mg Tren every 3 days

AI? Arimidex or Aromasin? I know Adex has a longer active life but is reversibly bonded to estrogen and may cause rebound when coming off but I may be wrong. I also understand that Aromasin is a suicide inhibitor and kills estrogen completely but has a short active life, and I know that you need a certain amount of estrogen to have good result in mass gains. So Idk which one to use??

hCG: I plan on running hCG after my last shot of sus until 2 weeks which should be the end of the active life of sus.

Nolvadex or Clomid?? Once my two weeks is up after my last shot of sus I plan on running one of these for the following 4 weeks (slowly tapering off). I've heard and read many different opinions on which to use or which is better, so Im hoping someone can shed some light on the subject and convince me in the direction of one.

So like I said I may have done a cycle before but I went into it blindly and dumb, so dont haze me too much. I just need some help on if im on the right path and which to use and dosages to take.
I would propose to read and follow this:

For anyone to actually give you advice they would need more information about you. Your diet, weight, bodyfat %, etc.

Make sure your diet is on point before jumping on a cycle!
Thanks for the link it gave me a little more info on the matter. As for the diet, weight, and BF%. I am currently on a cutting diet and am between 195-200 pounds and some where between 7-8% BF last time is checked. When starting my cycle I plan on changing my diet to a clean bulking diet to keep the fat down but still gain maximal amount of mass.
So I have been doing more research and finding out new information. I've decided to adjust my cycle plans and need some feedback on if my cycle is correct or not. I plan on competing in a physique show in November.

10 week cycle of 2cc tren/ 1cc sus 250 a week
weeks 1-10: Aromison (12.5 mg ED)
weeks 1-10: Pramipexole (.25 mg ED)
weeks 2-11: hCG 500iu a week
weeks 12-15: Nolvadex (40,40,20,20)

I've read that using hCG at a low dose the entire cycle is the best and most efficient in full recovery of testes. Also Im hoping that with the prami and aromison during the cycle the gyno production will be smashed, and I'll have nothing to worry about. Idk if running nolvadex during the whole cycle with the Aromison and prami is too much suppression of estrogen that it will decrease my gains, but I would rather sacrifice some gains to not get any gyno so if anyone can drop some knowledge on me about this subject it will be much appreciated. So please let me know if there should be any changes to my cycle because I will be getting on here very soon since the show I want to compete in is coming up soon.