New cycle anavar, clen, test prop


New member
Hey guys this is my first time posting and I'm just looking for some input, I have used clen twice before, the last time I introduced anavar with it.

This time I want to see some awesome results by introducing test prop.
The cycle that has been recommended to me is as follows:

Clen weeks 1-2 100 mcg ed
Anavar weeks 1-4 100 mg ed
Test prop weeks 1-12 125 mcg eod

I am 25, 6'1", 270lbs with a bf% of 30! Very high I realize but I have been hard on the gym and eating clean and I am down from 310lbs in apprx 3 months!

Basically I want some input if you think this will have some positive cutting/ building lean mass effects on me or not and also what kind of results could possibly be realistic.

I'm starting a sust/var cycle tomorrow and from what I read it's best to take var at the end of the cycle to really help lean and hard muscles. Idk if this is 100% but it's what I'm doing.