New cycle Mast and NPP Test P


New member
Planning new cycle for November, thinking of running test P, NPP, and Mast

Is it Better for me to run test P then test E with his cycle? Keep at all short esters?

1-14 Test P 100mg ED
1-12 Mast P 100mg ED
1-12 NPP 100mg ED
I'll be taking .5mg nolvadex EOD, looking to hire 3J again for this go around
whats up brother... the mast should be ran all 14 weeks imo..

everything looks fine.. since youre going to pin ed anyways i would run test p...
Exactly what 3J said. I cant comment on NPP as i have never ran it, but def run the Mast full length with the test. Prop is good, if you gonna pin ED, ive ran long estered Test ED as well to simplify pin schedules, all you have to do is adjust amount so it all equals out at the end of the week. Doses look good though. Keep an eye in your E2 though, and have armidex on hand just in case as nolva wont help with aromatization. At that dose of Mast I, myself can drop all AI and rely on the Mast to help in that department, but not everyone is the same so just be aware of estrogen and dont let it get outta control it can create health concerns if to high, and not just gyno problems, imo a lil high isnt bad but dont let it get outta hand brother.
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Ahh ok there we go, hey some guys run nolva only and are ok so anything is possible. That might even be a bit too high for the Adex man. I run .25 E3D and am good no matter how much Test Im on. It all depends though on the individual, and BF% as well. You can get bloodwork to see if the dosing is correct and adjust from there, but I strongly think .5 EOD WITH 700mg of Mast per week will be too much and tank your E2.
Yeah this last cycle was the first time I ever had any issues and they subsided quite quick which was nice. Got bloods done just a few weeks back, and will continue to in every cycle,
I am a fan of long cycles, mast 20 weeks too long? I mean pinning ED for 20 weeks don't sound great either lol
Yeah this last cycle was the first time I ever had any issues and they subsided quite quick which was nice. Got bloods done just a few weeks back, and will continue to in every cycle,
I am a fan of long cycles, mast 20 weeks too long? I mean pinning ED for 20 weeks don't sound great either lol

Ive ran Mast just shy of 20 weeks, no issues at all on bloodwork. But ED pins for 20 weeks might get tough, lol. Youll have to rotate everywhere man, I don't mind ED pins but 20 weeks of it would be tough.