new cycle test+anavar+winstrol


New member
I do every year a small cycle, at low doses, I always did test + EQ, but now I want to change by running this cycle, I'm 32 years old, 1.85 tall and 80 kilograms weight

hi guys, a cycle composed in this way, it might go well?

1-8 anavar ( 40 mg per day )

1-14 test enant. ( 1-4 / 300mg ) (4-8 / 400 mg ) (8-12 / 400 mg ) (12-14 / 300mg )

12-16 winstrol ( 50mg monday - 50mg thursday )
6'1", 176lbs. What is your current goal? Honestly you should look at diet as you still have quite a bit of room to grow naturally, which is being wasted with AAS. If you can't eat to grow lean mass, you're literally just pissing those drugs away. What are your goals? Based on the selection you have here, it looks like you're trying to cut still?

Lifting experience, body fat, cycle history?
What he said ^^^
What's your diet like? I weight more than you and 3in shorter my friend and natty offense intended, just trying to show you something must be wrong with your diet and/or training methods.
List your typical diet macros along with goal of this cycle. And goal with fitness all together.
And your workout split/routine/style
my diet during the cycle:

Breakfast: 4 slices bread with jam and 30g protein

lunch: a first course of pasta + a meat or fish 250gr

snack: a sandwich with ham, or turkey + 30g protein

dinner: a meat 250gr + vegetables

before going to bed: 30g protein

of the cycle March / April

primary objective : get to 85/86 pounds in the month of July with ripped abdominal

I work as an animator and parades in ibiza

AI : adex in case of need
pct : nolva + clomid