I do every year a small cycle, at low doses, I always did test + EQ, but now I want to change by running this cycle, I'm 32 years old, 1.85 tall and 80 kilograms weight
hi guys, a cycle composed in this way, it might go well?
1-8 anavar ( 40 mg per day )
1-14 test enant. ( 1-4 / 300mg ) (4-8 / 400 mg ) (8-12 / 400 mg ) (12-14 / 300mg )
12-16 winstrol ( 50mg monday - 50mg thursday )
hi guys, a cycle composed in this way, it might go well?
1-8 anavar ( 40 mg per day )
1-14 test enant. ( 1-4 / 300mg ) (4-8 / 400 mg ) (8-12 / 400 mg ) (12-14 / 300mg )
12-16 winstrol ( 50mg monday - 50mg thursday )