new cycle test E for 12 week


New member
hello guys I want to run a simple loop, which I've already done it before and I have always enjoyed it, I did not want to overdo it, because I get good results for my goals, I just want some advice for perfecting of this cycle

age : 33
height : 1.85 cm
weight : 85 pounds

1-12 test E 400 mg week
1-6 aromasin 10 mg EOD
6-12 aromasin 20 mg EOD

8-13 HCG 500ui week


14-18 clomid 50/50/25/25
14-18 nolva 40/40/20/20
14-18 aromasin 10mg EOD

I can run this cycle in tranquility?

I need to change something? ( I have some doubts about HCG and aromasin )

any advice would be appreciated

hello guys I want to run a simple loop, which I've already done it before and I have always enjoyed it, I did not want to overdo it, because I get good results for my goals, I just want some advice for perfecting of this cycle

age : 33
height : 1.85 cm
weight : 85 pounds

1-12 test E 400 mg week
1-6 aromasin 10 mg EOD
6-12 aromasin 20 mg EOD

8-13 HCG 500ui week


14-18 clomid 50/50/25/25
14-18 nolva 40/40/20/20
14-18 aromasin 10mg EOD

I can run this cycle in tranquility?

I need to change something? ( I have some doubts about HCG and aromasin )

any advice would be appreciated


I think HGC 2 weeks will be enough, and also I use HGC only when i feel the testicles changes.
Aromasin is ok, but clearly check your estradiol level in order to avoid it's extra decreasing.
guys I have a little doubt about assumption of clomid and nolva

should be done only assumption? example 100mg clomid + 20mg nolva all together


should be made divided throughout the day, for example clomid 50mg morning, 20mg nolva afternoon, and 50 mg clomid evening
in this guide, there is not, what I asked :)

I have a little doubt about assumption of clomid and nolva

should be done only assumption? example 100mg clomid + 20mg nolva all together


should be made divided throughout the day, for example clomid 50mg morning, 20mg nolva afternoon, and 50 mg clomid evening