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1. Do you bros eat each meal until your full, with each meal outside of protein shakes? Leptin benefits sound right up there. Alot of pros who eat every 2-3 hours(which I feel has something to do with drug timing insulin and gh idk) Otherwise I only eat when I am hungry.

2. Is there any benefit to eating whole eggs preworkout vs postworkout? I know my farm eggs have some good fat soluble nutrients lots of vitamins, aracadonic acid and dhea. Also if one works out late a high fat meal might negatively affect sleep. Also does adding vinegar to a glass of raw eggs kill any potential salmonella?
1. Do you bros eat each meal until your full, with each meal outside of protein shakes? Leptin benefits sound right up there. Alot of pros who eat every 2-3 hours(which I feel has something to do with drug timing insulin and gh idk) Otherwise I only eat when I am hungry.
you shouldn't be thinking of it as eating when your hungry or not.. you should be thinking of it as having a set macro and calorie goal to hit and hit that goal by eating every 3-4 hours max..

2. Is there any benefit to eating whole eggs preworkout vs postworkout? I know my farm eggs have some good fat soluble nutrients lots of vitamins, aracadonic acid and dhea. Also if one works out late a high fat meal might negatively affect sleep. Also does adding vinegar to a glass of raw eggs kill any potential salmonella?
you shouldn't be eating raw eggs, they are only 65% bio available, while pasteurized eggs are 90% bioavailable.. and you dont have to worrry about getting sick.. i would stay away from fats post workout.. you want the whey and carbs to hit your system as fast as possible.. fats slow down digestion
1. Do you bros eat each meal until your full, with each meal outside of protein shakes? Leptin benefits sound right up there. Alot of pros who eat every 2-3 hours(which I feel has something to do with drug timing insulin and gh idk) Otherwise I only eat when I am hungry.
you shouldn't be thinking of it as eating when your hungry or not.. you should be thinking of it as having a set macro and calorie goal to hit and hit that goal by eating every 3-4 hours max..

2. Is there any benefit to eating whole eggs preworkout vs postworkout? I know my farm eggs have some good fat soluble nutrients lots of vitamins, aracadonic acid and dhea. Also if one works out late a high fat meal might negatively affect sleep. Also does adding vinegar to a glass of raw eggs kill any potential salmonella?
you shouldn't be eating raw eggs, they are only 65% bio available, while pasteurized eggs are 90% bioavailable.. and you dont have to worrry about getting sick.. i would stay away from fats post workout.. you want the whey and carbs to hit your system as fast as possible.. fats slow down digestion

I REALLY VERY MUCH appreciate the response 3J. I know you are busy. But all due respect, I am in agreement to you to hit macros 110% and calorie goal but if I am not hungry I will not eat/force feed.(THANK GOD for Protein Powder) Most people wont I believe. As for fat I agree also uncooked eggs are a risk and I would eat them cooked for better absorption in my small intestine into my bloodstream. More the whites cooked and the yolks raw. I hear the salmonellla comes from the shell, OUTSIDE first before the inside. Which is why people should wash their eggs. The egg yolk contains cholesterol which isnt good when over heated. Raw yolk is better prolly, unoxidized. I prefer not to eat eggs postworkout cause it is pretty late at night(for me) and I find those fats VERY stimulatory to my sympathetic nervous system. Well see how it goes. We are all mixed bags. Will try it both ways. Aracadonic acid promotes AR turnover which should be controlled with omega-3s. Among other things in eggs.
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A tip if you ever want that "full" feeling, but not the calories. drink Carbonated water.

I find drinking a ton of water and sugar-free jello (5 calories a cup) helps somewhat. When I say eat the jello... I usually sit down and pound 4 or 8 cups at a time :D