new diet


New member
hey 3j how are you going great with this diet but im losing bodfat im already fairly low bodyfat atm i want to thicken up alot im eating 3800 calories 380pro 380carbs and 84fats im even having a cheat meal here nad there if i look flat in the gym i gained 4lbs this week and bodyfat droped LOL i was think going along a different diet current one is like 40/40/20 40%protein 40%carbs 20%fat from my calories i thinking do this 350protien 500carbs 66fat thats 4000calories what do you say i do
Your gonna have to go much higher then that stann. We can just keep it basic but i really think u should email me and become a client. U need a much much more advanced diet then what your doing here ur body is highly developed. If thats something that doesnt interest u then just jump up to 4400 calories for now.
3J with that 4400 should i shoot for 50% coming from carbs 30% protein and 20% fats pretty mcuh 500g carbs 350g protien and 97g fat
3J hows things mate i still need to sort out an email for you to become a is going good 350pro 500carb 100fat...still very very hungrey i have even some day through a quick cheat meal in and my bf is still the same...i eat every 2hrs now more carbs post-workout and at breakfast but i am always....i mean always starving like im on a cutting diet is this normal ???
3J hows things mate i still need to sort out an email for you to become a is going good 350pro 500carb 100fat...still very very hungrey i have even some day through a quick cheat meal in and my bf is still the same...i eat every 2hrs now more carbs post-workout and at breakfast but i am always....i mean always starving like im on a cutting diet is this normal ???

stann your activity level is fairly high.. remember i told you we might have to move up in calories... its too early to tell right now... and your diet might need to be given an upper revision...

your a nutritionists best dream and worst nightmare... lol your body runs at such a high metabolism and your activity level is so high that your needs go above and beyond the average person... its gonna take some time to adjust to the correct calories..

give it another 5 days.. pay attention to your bf and bodyweight and let me know of any changes......

i know the necessary steps that we need to take i just dont wanna take all of them at once so we know where ur baseline is..
bloody sweet mate :) il be making a new email address today that il be emailing you from as a client :) its funny how my body is reacting atm its going to be great once we can nail it cheers again mate email will be sent through today
bloody sweet mate :) il be making a new email address today that il be emailing you from as a client :) its funny how my body is reacting atm its going to be great once we can nail it cheers again mate email will be sent through today

looking forward to it stann..
3J SORRY FOR NO email...been training alot as you can tell lol but been training eating like this for 3weeks now good clean gains but..yes but i feel eally overtrained ATM my nervous system and feet ect (ingrown toe nails blisters) compressing the scaitic i decided to cut 1hr walk cardio 5km in the morning..then training at 5pm for 1hr HIT dorian yates style training..thing is my calories are set at about to take on this new style of traing il have to cut calories..let me break it down for you so im taking in 4500calories..this is what i won be doing anymore and the calories this exercise roughly use

30minute walk to and from the gym = 250calories
1.5hr gym session (this includes either abs or calfs) = 500 caloreis
30minute walk to and from the gym = 250calories
1hr walk at night =250calories
total calories not being used anymore = 1250calories
brings me to 3250calories to take in with this new style of training (roughly)
il be using 55/30/15 carbs/pro/fat i know i was using 50/30/20 before this is just a little itl look like this
protein = 245g
carbs = 445g
fats = 55g

these fats will be fish oil due to my meats will be chicken breast...i trd red meat with this diet does not go good bad gut aches bad smell everything carbs will be sweet potato and oats and bananas let me know what you think il be making my mind up what im going to do 2morro i like he results im getting ATM to change it up and fuck it would be a shame thanks...
or il be doing

250g protien
500g carbs
25g fats

might try this for the 1st see how i go that is 3750calories remember 4500 caloris ATM with all this training my bodfat is still the same and i have been have a cheat meal every 2nd day so my calories ect carbs would be close to 6000caloreis on these days and carbs 650g the only thing is i am a bit watery the next day but the following day im more dry like today people at the gym commented how vascular i was and alot dryer mmmm what to do i cannot keep this training up 6-8hrs a day lol that is including cardio LOL plus im getting a job this week