New here and kinda new to steroids so could really need some help!


New member
I am currently on a dbol only cycle (I know..I know..) but Im looking into a test tren cycle.
The thing is I've been on the dbols for about 5 weeks now and Im just wondering if its possible to keep
taking the dbols for about 2 more weeks and then jump on the test/tren cycle?

I am joining the army in July so I havent really gotthat much time to both recover from this 5 weeks cycle of dbol and then do my test tren cycle.

Should I keep going for two more weeks (thats when my test tren arrives) or should I stop taking the dbol take some nolva for a couple of weeks and
after a month jump on the test tren?

What choice would deal the least dmg on my natural test production etc etc.
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So.... many... things.... here....

Most important... Are you JOINING the Army in the summer and hoping to get in or are you already on your way?
I am not hoping. Im 99% certain that I will get in. My scores are very good (makes me sound like a douche).

Do you have any input on whether a short break would be better or worse?
Get off the sauce STAT and recover or you will have no chance of making it a week in basic... assuming you get in at all...
Nah I've been on them for 5 weeks. Alot of ppl are saying that you should be off as long as you have been on. Does that mean I need to be off 5 weeks before starting with test tren?
5 months straight on just dbol? You need to come off now and begin PCT. I hope you can recover your Natty T.

Nah I've been on them for 5 weeks. Alot of ppl are saying that you should be off as long as you have been on. Does that mean I need to be off 5 weeks before starting with test tren?

BTW - Which army are we talking here, brother?

The Swedish army. Aint trusting those russians no more lol.
Get off and recover ASAP.... seriously....

I just realise I wrote 5 months. That is incorrect I meant 5 weeks. The plan would either be get off now wait 2 weeks and start pinning or keep rolling the dbols till I start the pinning.
Hey, man.... its your life... just saying that the dbols give a false sense of euphoria and security that vanish.... very quickly....
Hey, man.... its your life... just saying that the dbols give a false sense of euphoria and security that vanish.... very quickly....

I aint getting any euphoria from dbols. I feel rather depressed when Im on them...But it aint about that. Just wondering what would happen to me if I were to consume steroids for almost 20 weeks straight which will happen if I continue with test-tren in two weeks.
I don't think you would think any better about yourself..

How does that have anything to do with my original question? Please if you cant answer then dont write at all. I do not give a damn about my mental health. Just want an experienced juicers opinion on the topic.
I already answered the question... but you're dead set on doing what you are going to do... best of luck to you, soldier.
You don't care about your mental health and your doing aas and your joining the army and will I assume have gun ,hmmmm maybe read the stickies on proper cycles and pct would be a good thing id guess ,just saying .
I already answered the question... but you're dead set on doing what you are going to do... best of luck to you, soldier.

No you didnt.

You don't care about your mental health and your doing aas and your joining the army and will I assume have gun ,hmmmm maybe read the stickies on proper cycles and pct would be a good thing id guess ,just saying .
The sticky doesnt say anthing about this situation. I know how to run a cycle and PCT. My question is if it would be bad to only be off 2weeks before jumping on a cycle again. I am looking for someone with personal experience.
No you didnt.

The sticky doesnt say anthing about this situation. I know how to run a cycle and PCT. My question is if it would be bad to only be off 2weeks before jumping on a cycle again. I am looking for someone with personal experience.

If u know how to run a cycle then why have u been taking just dbol for the past 5 weeks? Your really sounding ignorant as hell. If this is your first cycle, I wouldn't bother with tren. I just don't get how you'll say u know how to run a cycle but then post the shit u did. It may not be too clear to u but we all can tell u have absolutely no idea what your doing.