New Member, 1st post, Basic story


New member
Hello everyone!

17% bf (educated guess, have not done proper math yet)

Basic Info: I was in the Army for 12 years, Light Fighter!! So I believe its fair to say I have learned a decent amount about "fitness". I've been out for 8 years now.
During these last 8 years i stayed generally in shape. Last 2 years I have been lifting regularly, the last 14 months or so I have been commited daily, dialing in diet, doing my homework.
I have a family of 5, good paying job, and I found myself taking training as a passionate hobby. Its either weights in hand, or face in computer trying to gather knowledge.

With that said, I have been reading as much as I can about a possible cycle. I had my test levels checked at 416. Doc says its fine and no need for TRT. But when I hit about 33 I have noticed the general symptoms of climbing into "old people" demographic... Low energy, and hate to say a pretty shitty libido..ect. and seems to be gradually declining.

I have no goals of being a mass monster. But I do want to be big/ I have a good strength/size base. Being 35 I have a few years to try and hit my "natural limit" pushing 40.. So here we go.

I want to Run a basic Test-E cycle, as in the examples in the newbies section. (which yes I spent hours reading all that)
With a T level of 416, shitty libido, ect. I am ready to be serious about this while im still young enough.

I have been constantly surfing many and many forums and sites like this. But this place always has the best attitudes from posters and is a damn good forum, so I registered and this is the only one that I will contribute to.

I would like to hear any feedback and thoughts. Ill answer all questions, I didn't get overly detailed, just wanted to get the basic picture across
Thanks guys, looking forward to talking about this other than just myself. haha
Welcome. I say go for it. You sound like you have our head in the right place.

In the meantime while you are getting ready for a cycle, try to drop your body fat % 2-3 points. That will help with estrogen management and also allow you to see the positive results of a cycle better. Start working on that diet.