New member + bloodwork result questions


New member
Hey guys, Just joined the forum, hope all is well with you! About me : im 21. Started anabolics (too young/dumb obviously, when i was 18) with a cycle of the then legal helladrol. Have since ran sarms a couple times (ostarine/gw50/s4) and a cycle of superdrol. Superdrol was hell for me, hairloss, libido loss, acne, and worst of all gyno.
All of my cycles have yeilded pretty good results as i monitor my diet pretty well, track macros/calories, spread meals out throughout the day. Currently on my first injectable cycle. Started with 150mg test prop a week, this has stayed steady throughout. Hcg 500iu a week (250iu 2x weekly) since start of cycle.
Weeks 1-2 350mg tren ace.
Weeks 3-4(currently here) 420mg tren ace
Again, dealing with pre existing gyno from sd. Started this current cycle with arimidex 1mg twice a week and caber .25mg twice a week. Shortly into cycle, gyno flared, more nipple puffiness, larger areolas, overall a very BAD look. Increased caber to .5 2x a week and this helped with areola size. Also started the "gyno protocol" i have seen floating around on the web, basically tapered up to 2.5mg letro a day and have stayed there. So far no improvement in gyno. Had bloods done before cycle at LABCORP test serum was 411, estradiol was 25.2, lh: 4.8, fsh: 3.1.
Would post pictures of entire test but not sure how
Anyway, switched testing centers to QUEST diagnostics as i heard their estradiol test is more accurate especially when on tren.
4 weeks into this cycle and after about 15 days at 2.5mg of letro
Blood results were this (just to list a few results of concern)
Testosterone total:1456
Estradiol: 29
I am finding out i may have ordered the wrong estradiol test by just selecting the basic female hormone panel instead of opting for the mre complex test. Also i should have tested for prolactin as well. But with the information provided, do you think any conclusions can be made about this letro? After over 2 weeks of daily letro use at 2.5mg i was expecting estradiol levels to be very low. Am i interpreting this test correctly? Also the near 0 lh and fsh have me concerned.
Thank you all for any help you can offer and i hope i can become a valuable member to the board!
Side note: in case the letro fails or is bunk i have huge amounts of nolva on hand and rolaxifene on the way for future attempts at decreasing this gyno. Also have surgery in mind just trying to delay it if possible.
I would lay off the gear. Your Natty TT is only 411. You are almost Hypogonadal.

You didn't get the LC/MS/MS assay for estradiol so the result is likely inflated due to the tren. It is likely that you have "nuked" your E2.

It would have helped to see what your E2 and Prolactin were at prior to taking Letro.

Read the FAQs thread below in my signature for info on how to treat gyno.
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Thanks for the response. When you say im almost hypogonadal, are you inferring that from the low test levels alone (which i did notice are very very low for my age) or can that also be inferred from the low lh and fsh levels i had before this cycle?
Also megatron, thank you for the advice and for reffering me to the info on gyno, much appreciated!
Thanks for the response. When you say im almost hypogonadal, are you inferring that from the low test levels alone (which i did notice are very very low for my age) or can that also be inferred from the low lh and fsh levels i had before this cycle?

I am looking at your total testosterone levels.
After being on such a high dose of letro for over 3 weeks now, with minimal positive results in reducing the gyno, do you think it would be smart to begin tapering off the letro and approaching the issue with nolva and rolaxifene instead? Basically, is the letro approach most likely hopeless for me if it has not yet worked in this amount of time?
After being on such a high dose of letro for over 3 weeks now, with minimal positive results in reducing the gyno, do you think it would be smart to begin tapering off the letro and approaching the issue with nolva and rolaxifene instead? Basically, is the letro approach most likely hopeless for me if it has not yet worked in this amount of time?

Letro never should have been used. As the studies showed, Raloxifene was your best course of action from the beginning. No need to taper off the Letro. Just stop and switch over.
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Onced i realized i had gyno, i definitely panicked and went with the first advice i found. The sides are horrible im glad to hear i wont need to taper off and can stop immedietly. Thanks megatron.