New member here. Wanted to say that you guys are awesome.


New member
I'll be 44 on Wednesday and have never been a huge gym rat. I started going pretty hard last year in an effort to lose weight. In doing so, I suffered a torn bicep. Probably from using too much weight with bad form, which I didn't understand then, but do now. Ortho gave me 3 different shots trying to fix it to no avail. He wanted to try PRP next, then surgery. I really don't want to have that surgery, so I tried to brain storm on what could help promote muscle growth and my answer was gear. Called a buddy, he had just had the bicep surgery, I started taking his advice on what to get started on. He is a great friend and I do trust him but after reading some of these threads I have realized that there is much more to it than just buying some oil and sticking yourself. I have already learned a lot from you guys in just a few days. Thanks for bringing your expertise to this forum for guys like myself to learn from.

I'm about 7 weeks in to my first cycle of test, deca, and tren. Which I have since learned the deca and tren aren't the best combo especially for a novice. I just restocked and I'm thinking of not including the tren in these shots.

I had planned on getting hcg and estrogen blockers from My local trt office but they cut me off because my test is too high to be on their program and they are all or none. So now I need some advice on hcg and arimidex dosing. Estradiol was sitting at 62 when last checked 2 weeks ago.

I know a lot of people will think I'm an idiot for jumping in head first like I did and that's ok. In Jan and Feb I couldn't sleep on my left side or pick up my 3 year old daughter because my arm hurt too badly. A few weeks of shots and workouts later and I can put her in and out of her car seat with ease so it is doing what I needed it to do. It's giving me my life back and for that I am very grateful.

Any advice is welcomed. I look forward to learning from all of you. Thanks guys!