New Member, Low T counts, Advice & wanted to say Thanks for the website!


New member
Hey Guys, I am in my 50's and over the past 3 years, have noticed a definite change in my motivation and energy levels. I have been positively diagnosed with Narcolepsy, A tired during the day, diagnoses which lead to a Dexedrine prescription(10 yrs ago)
So i played superman for a few years. I have always been strong as hell and a runner.
I eventually went off of (dex) because i was getting a bit compulsive and would take on huge projects, but never really finish them. The dex always kicked me in the ass, (remember i said this) and energy was never a problem.

About the 3 years ago mark, i started slowing down, laying in bed for hours and not giving a crap about visiting people or responding to rescue calls.
I was, and still am, leaving house duties undone, which for good reason, aggravates my wife.
Thinking it was narcolepsy related i went to my sleep doc and got back on, this time, Adderals. They gave me instant release pills, like 10mg/ 3 times a day.
I take them and they appeared fake, so dr gave a bigger dose, 20mg 3/day again nothing, so i take 2-3-4-6 and no response. Now i'm pissed, i own the trans shop, have jobs waiting and i just can't get the mojo out of these adderalls, so dr ups them to the good 30mg time released, which i smash up and have to drink with water, only to barely get a response. If this was 5 years ago, i would be having a heart attack and high as hell, which is not what i want, but even that ain't happenin'

So i researched testosterone and had the test done along with limes and thyroid, and a few other tests.
Everything was great including The PSA test, but the testosterone flunked the test @

112ng total
1.90 free

So now i have an answer to why i feel like i do.

So i find & by a cream, Androforte 5% cream and have been using it for a week now.
I'm not a big fan of Drs, or should i say the cost of going to a dr, but i have insurance, and needed the tests, so i'm going back tomorrow to discuss options. I have a cool Dr and he knows i'm now using the cream and thinks its a good start.

So now that you know the story, i am researching all the delivery options, besides cream and injection appears to be a solid way to go, if the cream doesn't get it.

I'm not sure of the laws, but if i have script for injectable T , C an i buy it legally or is it one of them fda traps were the person that legitimately needs it, has to go through hoops and give the system its money.
It might sound like i have an attitude, and unfortunately the few people who abuse and die from stupidity, has given rise to everything being illegal. I understand it, but it makes it hard on the people that really need it and cannot afford the greed built into the cost. Thanks for your advice, John

I found this site and joined.
Those levels are really low, lowest I've ever seen was like 60. SO those are basically castrate levels so TRT will make a HUGE difference for you. Here are two short articles from some of our doctors:


Q and A with Dr Matt Week 1 ~ IMT Staff

If you get prescribed T it is 100% legal. Like Dr Matt always says, if you had diabetes you would take insulin right? SO if you have hypogonadism why wouldn't you take testosterone?

With that being said TRT does not end there, HCG and Anastrozole will most likely be integral components of your TRT program.

If you want us to walk you through the entire process we would be happy to do so.

Schedule your appointment with me today here:
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So i find & by a cream, Androforte 5% cream and have been using it for a week now.
I'm not a big fan of Drs, or should i say the cost of going to a dr, but i have insurance, and needed the tests, so i'm going back tomorrow to discuss options. I have a cool Dr and he knows i'm now using the cream and thinks its a good start.

BTW the creams suck :) Injectable is safer, more effective and less expensive:

According to the authors, for older hypogonadal men, administering TRT by injection, versus orally or transdermally, offers greater musculoskeletal benefits because doses are higher by injection. But while doses are higher when injected, intramuscular TRT might be less likely to result in cardiovascular risks than transdermal TRT. This could be because transdermal testosterone results in greater serum dihydrotestosterone (DHT) elevation, due to significant expression of 5-reductase in skinnot muscle.

Injected TRT earns high marks for safety, effectiveness | Urology Times
Thanks, I have to see the dr today and am devouring info on hear about what i need to know about going on T.
When i talked to him about thinking i was low on testosterone, i mention having my estrogen checked, and he met that thought with light scorn, so as a result, it never got checked on the blood tests.

Today, i need advice on what to demand of him to check and what i the best form of T I should be telling him i want to take.

I eventually want to take over the responsibility of maintaining the correct balance of T an E2 and will need advice on buying and learning how to inject the correct way. The thought that the insurance industry is going to shove my diagnosis up my ass does not sit well with me.
I wish i was more advanced in my learning curve to eliminate the Appt today, but i will lay it on him about my concerns , being he appears to a guy i could tell anything to.

I'll let you folks know how my visit goes with him. I have an hour before i have to get out of here and hopefully someone will jump in with some advice on what 'Test' form is best, and what other tests i should be running. I have been on the androforte 5% for about 10 days now and hope it ain't gonna mess up any blood tests, but i need to get the ball rolling somehow. Thanks for the advice and help, John
I would just fire him. If he doesn't even know checking E2 is important on TRT he is not worth messing with.

Just check out IMT they will get you going ASAP and they know EXACTLY what they are doing.
That was the answer i was hoping for. My first post was answered by IMT, And i had to ask myself if i was being pounced on as a new customer, or if it was legit and others recommend this direction.
I need to get on this ASAP. Understandably you can see my point, so don't take it the wrong way.

How does going through IMT work? Questions
1) i see that i set up an appt by phone.
2) what is the next step and how much does the whole process cost from start to finish( call to first injection of T and HGC.
3) this would have to include the right tests and equiptment/ products
4) Do i get a script from my Dr????? Or How do i cover my ass, so to speak.
Well he got fired. He still thought estrogen testing was a joke and its only for bodybuilders doing huge amounts, and he also scoffed at the fact that T stops the bodies production, and since i'm already down to very low levels, i should have no need to worry about it.
So, i think it was against his knowledge base to go any farther than just pinning T is not necessary. He offered to start the shots today, but thought they were once every month or two... So does anyone see any red flags here?
I told him i'll just stay on the cream and do a follow up blood test in a month.

So while this is going on, the nurse comes in and is agreeing with my concerns. Turns out her husband is going through it right now and she started rattling off the names of the drugs for blocking estrogen and clomid and novalex, and i knew she was the person to talk to.
So after the dr left, i told her that i didn't trust him to make the right decisions and thanked her for input. I told her that i think he is overlooking stuff and not the right guy for my bodies needs. She totally understood and in a professional way, agreed. So, out the door i went.
Red flag is once a month injections. Honestly its almost dangerous to your health and will affect your ability to manage blood sugar levels and cholesterol properly in your trough. You could be down for 2 weeks while you wait for another injection. NOT GOOD.

Glad you fired him, your in good hands over here.
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I had a weird thing happen today. I was working in the shop and for no reason at all i got real hot and started feeling sick and felt like puking for a minute.
I would call it a hot flash. What the hell was that about??
I did a dose of androforte around 5am and a second dose @ around 1pm. I had the flash around 5pm. Now i think this was the second day of doing a double .5ml dose of 5% cream

What i just read, says its a low T result, But could it be from adding T to my system?? I would be glad if it was because that would tell me that i am actually absorbing it. As tired as i feel, i am happy to get started even though i'm not adding anything other than T.

Is deadlifting the best way to raise testosterone levels? I spent a few years working out in a boxing gym and spent many years working out on a heavy bag. After beating it to shreds, I bought a nice 100lb leather bag and just never hung it up.
I am hoping to get back into working out again. I also bought a nice Weider machine and busted out a wall upstairs and got it all set up... and never used it. I guess i was hoping to get a few friends to come over and work out with me, but its not going to happen. At least until i get my mojo back.

I lifted back in my teens and twenties, but found more enjoyment boxing. I was never real good, but it was a nice feeling after a good workout. i would like to get that desire back.
I doubt its related but its possible you had a lot of estrogen conversion. When men start TRT many things seem related.

For instance in studies if you give one person a sugar pill and the other one the real drug both will have the same exact symptoms the first two weeks.

After that usually the sugar group stops reporting positives.

The mind is very powerful and can play tricks on us.

Hope this helps.