New pic of me.

good luck with the cycle. It looks like your in good condition to start one with your BF and size. I think you'll be looking pretty good after your done with it. How long are you gonna run the cycle for?
1st Dont expect to gain 20lbs of muscle, maybe 8-10lbs muslce and 10lbs of water. You are lean as hell, keep it up eat eat eat.. You have an extremely high metabolism like myself, don't worry about putting on unnecessary weight in the next couple months, just try and grow as much as possible. But keep the diet clean and calories up. Wheres your legs? Yes chest is lacking, as well as delts, Abs and arms lookin good. Keep us posted on your cycle.. I'm sure you'll be pleased with the results if you keep everything in order.
Hey Guys, thnx for all the feedback i am setting up new routines from the critique i get so keep it coming, I am planning on running the cycle for 12 weeks. :)
Just got sick yesterday (my off days are wednesday, saturday and sunday) So I hope not to miss more than 2 days of training.
Oh and 1BdMfkr u looked awesome after your last bulk. I saw some similarities in our metabolism as you did. :)
Loooking good man. Ur gains will be noticeable as ur bf is so low..Whats ur diet consist of?
londonhunk said:
Loooking good man. Ur gains will be noticeable as ur bf is so low..Whats ur diet consist of?

thnx man. My diet is now around 4000+ cal intake as I am bulking. I try to eat as often as I can but I dont let it go more than 2 hours between meals.

Breakfast 700 kcal:
4 sandwiches with low fat butter and cheese.
One protein drink And a banana.
P: 60g C: 50g F: 20g

Meal2 800 kcal:
2 Hotpockets (I make them myself with beef,spices and bread.)
Omega 3+6+9 oil. (flaxoil?)
P: 40g C: 80g F: 30g

Meal3 850 kcal: (Usually 1 hour before workout.)
Mega Mass 4000 Gainer drink.
P: 50g C: 100g F: 10g

Meal4 500 kcal:
Chicken with rice. and sweet chilisauce.
P: 40g C: 100g F: 12g

Meal5 400 kcal:
One hotpocket
P: 20g C: 40g F: 15g

Meal6: 550 kcal:
One Hotpocket and Protein Drink.
P: 50g C: 45g F: 20g

Total: P: 260 g C: 420g F: 110g
KCAL: 3950

Honestly i think youre diet could be much better, Protein part looks low for that amount of cal.

More beef, chicken and pasta, and more protein drinks..
dextro/malto pre/post workout.
Bast said:
Honestly i think youre diet could be much better, Protein part looks low for that amount of cal.

More beef, chicken and pasta, and more protein drinks..
dextro/malto pre/post workout.

Hey there, I have a carb gainer pre workout containing Malto/dextro (100 grams) and 100 gram post workout. Gonna add more chicken and protein drinks throughout the day. :) thnx for the tip.
Bast said:
Honestly i think youre diet could be much better, Protein part looks low for that amount of cal.

More beef, chicken and pasta, and more protein drinks..
dextro/malto pre/post workout.

Pretty much what I was thinking, but I go with whey, glutamine, and maybe an apple preworkout. And then whey, dextroso, and maltodextrin postworkout. But make sure you dont supplement all the natural foods with drinks for your nutrition.
oh yea, good luck with your cycle. your nice and cut now giving you a solid base to start on...
AngryMuscles said:
bad ass abs dude!! keep t up

Thnx dude :) Been killing my abs since day 1 i started Working out, everyday I was in the gym i did 15 sets of ab training, which surely overdid it but gave results. I stopped it now though as i am bulking I go with Needsizes ab training, 5x5 once to twice a week. I figured what the hell, If im gonna gain a few pounds of bodyfat My abs wont be that visible :)
CaptAmera9 said:
Pretty much what I was thinking, but I go with whey, glutamine, and maybe an apple preworkout. And then whey, dextroso, and maltodextrin postworkout. But make sure you dont supplement all the natural foods with drinks for your nutrition.

Im with you bro, but supplements have a great purpose.

Lionhead: If i where you id try to drink 50g malto/dextro pre workout, 50 during youre workout, and the other 100 post.

To the abs you have good ones, but honestly abs are as any other muscle. Theyll come along good with the "needsize way" + from deadlifts and squats.

good luck with the cycle bro.
Bast said:
Im with you bro, but supplements have a great purpose.

Lionhead: If i where you id try to drink 50g malto/dextro pre workout, 50 during youre workout, and the other 100 post.

To the abs you have good ones, but honestly abs are as any other muscle. Theyll come along good with the "needsize way" + from deadlifts and squats.

good luck with the cycle bro.

Thnx man, I will take your advice, Gonna go with A Gainomax during the workouts and a carbo drink post workout. Ill still have the gainer 90 minutes before session. Im gonna add more Chicken and Pasta to, easy to make and really good. :) mmm... husmanskost.. haha :)
yeah husmanskost :)
The gainomax aint the best idea though, its milk protein - casein and the sugars in it aint the best either. You´d be better off taking whey and dextro/malto during and around workout.

good luck bro and keep us posted.
Hello, you've corrected my height in another post but I'm correcting yours now. 180cms is 5 feet and 11 inches. Your height is 5'11. Again you are confusing the measurments units. I guess you're not used to them. I suppose you meant 5.8 feet which is correctly 180 cms but that's not the way height is measured. It's measured in feet and inches. You should write 5'11 in your height. :yesway:
lionhead said:
these are my stats au natural :) .

You've posted your Winstrol (winny) only cycle before....that ain't natural. Good luck though, and like before said.....don't expect 20lbs of muscle. Definitly try though.