new to PH


New member
I've been studying AAS for some time now and I'm still confused on what to do. keep getting "test is best".. was going to do deca (which is all I have currently) but want to avoid the 'lovely' deca-d***.. I know what I want. my goal is to get cut/lean muscle development. I'm a 31yoM 178lbs, 17% bf, 5'9". I just started my second go round with p90x 3 weeks ago after a one week break so I'm in decent shape. just looking to take it up a notch, 86 some belly fat. my diet is decent, lean proteins low fat etc. any suggestions for a first cycle with prohormones ?? any advice is greatly appreciated
p90x involves lifting weights not only cardio

I know but isn't it mostly like body weight and light dumbbells? I'm not trying to hate on it by any means, sorry if it seems that way. I just haven't came across someone using a PH for P90x, but then again I am n00bish.

I'm just saying you might see more gains -- muscle mass and body fat loss -- by doing main compound lifts/etc (DB/BB bench, BB squat, Deads, iso work/etc -- typical gym lifts). But then again if you aren't used to doing that I'm not sure you should jump into a PH.
I know but isn't it mostly like body weight and light dumbbells? I'm not trying to hate on it by any means, sorry if it seems that way. I just haven't came across someone using a PH for P90x, but then again I am n00bish.

I'm just saying you might see more gains -- muscle mass and body fat loss -- by doing main compound lifts/etc (DB/BB bench, BB squat, Deads, iso work/etc -- typical gym lifts). But then again if you aren't used to doing that I'm not sure you should jump into a PH.

^^^^This. You will be wasting your money using PHs for P90x. I have done P90x in the past and it is by no means a muscle-building program. Don't get me wrong...It is a great program for slimming up but you WILL NOT look like the guys in the video with P90x alone. You definitely need to be doing actual lifting in the gym to get any benefits out of PHs (and to look like the guys in the video if that's your goal.). Also, wait until you have a solid lifting routine and good diet to even consider PHs.
^^^^This. You will be wasting your money using PHs for P90x. I have done P90x in the past and it is by no means a muscle-building program. Don't get me wrong...It is a great program for slimming up but you WILL NOT look like the guys in the video with P90x alone. You definitely need to be doing actual lifting in the gym to get any benefits out of PHs (and to look like the guys in the video if that's your goal.). Also, wait until you have a solid lifting routine and good diet to even consider PHs.
but this is my goal, to burn a lil fat on the belly and get cut
but this is my goal, to burn a lil fat on the belly and get cut

PH's are magical fat burners. Your diet will help you most with this. I would not, and I assume a lot of people on here, suggest using a PH doing strictly p90x, its not worth it or the sides.

I would suggest that you get into weight lifting, its great for gaining muscle and burning calories/getting lean if your diet is on track. I would do this for a while before getting into PH's.