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Registered a few days ago and figured I had better introduce myself a bit. I'm 43 year old man who started HRT about 8 years ago. Went off of it cold turkey because doctor told me my RBC was high and that I could get anemic and it flat out spooked me. Unfortunately over the next year I felt horrible and it just got worse and worse until I'd had enough. Did blood work and T level was 120. I also gained 30 pounds of fat while being off of HRT. No energy and lost all muscle strength and any mass. Doctor told me to lose 50 pounds and come back in 6 months. I tried and tried was able to lose 17 pounds but was so sick I couldn't even think at work and decided to go to different Doctor. He understood me and immediately took blood work checked LH levels and E2 And Testosterone then put me back on HRT 1ml week, HCG 250 eod, and 1 mg arimadex a week. My level shot right up to 1,900 and I've been able to get back to the gym and feeling much better. I don't want anyone to go through what I did and need to learn all I can to try to get better lose this damn body fat I put on and get my life back! Thank you all who share I've been reading and trying to learn what has helped others on this journey to better health and fitness. Any questions for me let me know! Current weight 267 pounds down from 284. 6 ft tall last body fat test read 30percent. Have not been able to lose anymore weight since starting TRT but think losing body fat will check it soon been 2 months back on HRT. Thank you for reading.
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My Doctor measured my HGH level and told me it came back at 0.1 and he says that is very low but he says he doesn't really understand it very well. I told him I'm getting older and feel like I might benefit from supplementing with it especially at my age? Any advice? Can I improve my health with this and feel younger and build muscle and strength? Lose hard to lose body fat? Hate to just ask like this but any info is likely a plus if you have any knowledge please share. Thank you
Post your question on the TRT section- you'll get answers there. If you can get hgh prescribed you'll be the envy of the board.