New to the board. Thought I would start here! Bulking.


New member
So I've been reading through post on the board trying to get a feel for things. Def have came across a ton of great info.

My training consist of mandatory fun every morning 5 days a week of physical training.

Monday- Run far and fast
Tuesday- Upper body conditioning
Wed- Sprints..HIT
Thursday- Lower body conditioning.
Friday- Distance runs usually

My evening training usually goes like this.

Monday- Chest
Tuesday- Arms
Wed- Shoulders
thurs- Back
fri- Legs

Saturdays I usually swim a little to loosen my joints and muscles up. Nothing crazy

Supp's I use are

Gold standard protein
Fish oil
multi vitamin
Vitamin C
L arginine

My diet is usually

1 packet oatmeal before PT in the morning
Protein shake, 4 hard boiled eggs and a cup of plain yogurt after

protein shake before lunch

Usually a turkey sandwich
for lunch

A snack before evening workout

Pre work out shake

Chicken breast or some lean meat for dinner with a salad and other odds and ends.

Never really added up the calories.

I started out at a solid 172 about a year and a half ago. Im at 190 now. 6'1 29 y/o Looking to be around 205. Im pretty much stuck where Im at for the last 5-6 months.
Thought about using gear. And wouldnt mind trying it. I thought I had most of my bases covered.

Any input or suggestions would be awsome...thanks
As you grow your body needs more food, your stuck because your not eating enough, and gear wont fix that, ,stop eating like your still 170, ,up those calories and you will start growing again
I have this school for the next 2 weeks. I have been working on a new diet plan that will be in full effect after that. I will post it later on tonight if I get the chance if not tomorrow