New Virus!!!!!! Beware!!!!!


New member
i got about 10 of these today:

The message contains Unicode characters and has been sent as a binary attachment.

satchboogie said:
i got about 10 of these today:

The message contains Unicode characters and has been sent as a binary attachment.


can you say that in english bro....sorry im dumb
I just deleted 2 of them so far... Fukers.. my anti-virus didnt pick them up either.. GRRRRRR
satchboogie said:
i got about 10 of these today:

The message contains Unicode characters and has been sent as a binary attachment.


I think he was talking about middle line bro, that means nothing to me also, lol.
To add something so that hopefully everyone sees it

#1 Unhide file extentions on your machine
#2 Any file of these types, do not open:

PIF, SCR, BAT, COM (yes its a file, Component Object Model), CMD

EXE is open at your own risk, but I would NOT advise it since there is really no reason to send one unless you were expecting it from the person.

With the ZIP files, open it freely, but if what is inside follows the above files, forget it.

One technique is to send a file with a faked extention, like hotchick.jpg.exe

If you are a computer nerd you already know these things, one alternative is to look at the file header if you have a hex editor as they may use other techniques as well.

I think that covers the basics.
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They wont even know they are sending it out likely, the sender address is spoofed and so is the domain, most people wont ever know where it truly came from.

I had a machine here at work sending out hundreds, she never knew.
hunter and JCP... that is what Email reads.... it says "The message contains Unicode characters and has been sent as a binary attachment."
he wasn't describing anything... i was confused too, untill i just saw like 10 of these in my account :)
one was even sent from the mod Nicole...? but like mudge said, its a fake sender, so its not really her probably...
yet another, YEAH ASSHOLES. Its not working, we are on to your crappy attempts to spread a virus. Try something different ya feable minded and probably feable bodied assholes. God I could just kill these little bitches. I haven't fallen for it, because I only open emails from people I know shitheads. Having said all that I am now calm. Whooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!