Newbie | 1st Cycle | 4 weeks in | 500mg Test E & 60mg Anavar


New member
My 1st post. Just wanted to update my cycle, get feedback and introduce myself.
I'm 42, 5' 10" 190( started at 176lb) athletic 11% BF No previous cycles
was in Navy for 10 years. Lifted off and on for 20 years. Nothing ever very serious.

Week 1 -13 Test E 200mg E3D (almost 500mg/week)
Week 1 - 7 Anavar 60mg ED
Week 15-18 Nolva 20mg ED

The reason for this post is to share my blood results and ask about HCG and donating blood
Should I run HCG weeks 9-13 since it's my 1st cycle
I plan on donating blood at week 5 to drop red blood cell count. ** any experience with time of donation or importance.

On day 31, I had bloodwork done. Total TEST was >1500 (didn't give exact number. just said greater than 1500 and was Flagged HIGH. lol
Free Test was 49.9 I know the gear is good. Feel very strong.

I went from 135lb at 15 reps(bench to 225lb at 11 reps in 4 weeks. My highest 1RM is 320lb(natural) I'm gonna blow that out of the water by the end of this cycle. I look lean 190 at 9% and feel good. no sides. little oily on nose and shoulders but no acne.
I'm eating 3000-3200 calories a day.

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You don't have an aromatase inhibitor/estrogen control. You are going to have high estrogen.

Nolva only competes with estrogen for receptors. It will only mask the elevated estrogen.

Get some type of AI man!
I'll definitely be following along. I just started my first cycle on Tuesday test E @500mg e/w and I'm considering adding in Var as soon as it becomes available to me.
Welcome! dont add any other compounds brother. keep var out of this cycle. keep this one just test a or e , and an ai, and hcg for 12 weeks. if you start using any other compounds you have more issues like you have now and wont know which compound is causing your side issues.
have you done any blooworks before you started this cycle?
My 1st post. Just wanted to update my cycle, get feedback and introduce myself.
I'm 42, 5' 10" 190( started at 176lb) athletic 11% BF No previous cycles
was in Navy for 10 years. Lifted off and on for 20 years. Nothing ever very serious.

Week 1 -13 Test E 200mg E3D (almost 500mg/week)
Week 1 - 7 Anavar 60mg ED
Week 15-18 Nolva 20mg ED

The reason for this post is to share my blood results and ask about HCG and donating blood
Should I run HCG weeks 9-13 since it's my 1st cycle
I plan on donating blood at week 5 to drop red blood cell count. ** any experience with time of donation or importance.

On day 31, I had bloodwork done. Total TEST was >1500 (didn't give exact number. just said greater than 1500 and was Flagged HIGH. lol
Free Test was 49.9 I know the gear is good. Feel very strong.

I went from 135lb at 15 reps(bench to 225lb at 11 reps in 4 weeks. My highest 1RM is 320lb(natural) I'm gonna blow that out of the water by the end of this cycle. I look lean 190 at 9% and feel good. no sides. little oily on nose and shoulders but no acne.
I'm eating 3000-3200 calories a day.

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whats with the nolva at week 15?? is that your pct? you need clomid AND nolva for pct. and 4 weeks out to do it. hcg should be used thoughout your entire cycle from the start.
My 1st post. Just wanted to update my cycle, get feedback and introduce myself.
I'm 42, 5' 10" 190( started at 176lb) athletic 11% BF No previous cycles
was in Navy for 10 years. Lifted off and on for 20 years. Nothing ever very serious.

Week 1 -13 Test E 200mg E3D (almost 500mg/week)
Week 1 - 7 Anavar 60mg ED
Week 15-18 Nolva 20mg ED

The reason for this post is to share my blood results and ask about HCG and donating blood
Should I run HCG weeks 9-13 since it's my 1st cycle
I plan on donating blood at week 5 to drop red blood cell count. ** any experience with time of donation or importance.

On day 31, I had bloodwork done. Total TEST was >1500 (didn't give exact number. just said greater than 1500 and was Flagged HIGH. lol
Free Test was 49.9 I know the gear is good. Feel very strong.

I went from 135lb at 15 reps(bench to 225lb at 11 reps in 4 weeks. My highest 1RM is 320lb(natural) I'm gonna blow that out of the water by the end of this cycle. I look lean 190 at 9% and feel good. no sides. little oily on nose and shoulders but no acne.
I'm eating 3000-3200 calories a day.

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This is how your cycle should look like bro, please also read the beginner sticky and diet sticky.

Week 1 -13 Test E 250mg E3D (Tiny bit above 500mg/week.)
Week 15-19 Clomid 50mg ED
Week 15-16 Nolva 40mg ED
Week 15-19 Nolva 20mg ED
Week 1-15 0.5mg adex. verified with bloodwork at week 6.
Week 1-15. 250iu HCG E3D

I would donate blood at around week 8. Its importance depends on your hematocrit levels. But always recommended once per cycle.
You also dont/didnt need the anavar.

Bit unsure if you already started or not...
This is how your cycle should look like bro, please also read the beginner sticky and diet sticky.

Week 1 -13 Test E 250mg E3D (Tiny bit above 500mg/week.)
Week 15-19 Clomid 50mg ED
Week 15-16 Nolva 40mg ED
Week 15-19 Nolva 20mg ED
Week 1-15 0.5mg adex. verified with bloodwork at week 6.
Week 1-15. 250iu HCG E3D

I would donate blood at around week 8. Its importance depends on your hematocrit levels. But always recommended once per cycle.
You also dont/didnt need the anavar.

Bit unsure if you already started or not...

I'll comment on both the OP's and Santa's post in one go - what Santa put is an improvement by adding an AI from day 1 to start of PCT, adding HCG from day 1 to start of PCT, and adding clomid

In both of your plans you are not taking much of a break after last pin to start PCT. Let's say your last shot was middle of week #13 and you start PCT week 15 that's about 10 days off. For Test E at that dose you need 21 days break for levels to bleed down close to natural, i.e. PCT starts week 16-1/2.

With the OP's original plan of 20 nolva 15 to 18, it would be the equivalent of two weeks PCT at a dose half of what is normal and missing clomid. weeks 15 and 16 would be a bust as you are still much too high in test blood levels. Would a two week PCT at 20 nolva work? Maybe. It is worth rolling the dice to find out? Probably not. Push out the start, bump up the nolva dose, and add in clomid. Add the AI and HCG as per Santa, and Bob's your uncle.