Newbie - Advice on a cycle


New member
Hello guys, Im new here and I have some questions about my first cycle.

I have the following:

20ml - Test Cypionate 300 mg
20ml - Test Enanthate 300 mg
20ml - Nandrolone Decanoate 300mg

This will be my first cycle in 10 years... I'm 44 yrs old began working out a year ago (5 days a week hard) - my muscle gains were incredible. I look and feel like I was 30 yrs old again!

Im wondering how I should stack this.

Begin with 1cc of each every 5 days, then after 10 days - 1cc of each every 4 days... then after 10 days - 1cc of each every 3 days.

These are my stats:

191 lb - 20% body fat, currently dieting
Arms 17.5"
Legs 26"

What do you think???
Get your body fat down closer to 15 before you start. I don't see anything about an AI, PCT or caber/ prami.
Yeah what smittiot said and I think you need to revisit your doses try and read some of the stickys at the beginning of each thread. How much experience do you actually have with gear?
test e/c- mon and fri 1-16 week....they are interchangeable
nandrolone d-1-12 mon and fri
18-20 nolvadex 20 ed Caber/Prami whole cycle

thats what i would do, you need more test for sure and deca honestly, you shouldnt have started yet if you havnt got all your ducks in a row. You need to do some research my friend/Good luck
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wk 1-16 Test e or cyp @ 500
wk 1-14 deca @ 400/wk
AI throughout cycle until PCT
Caber/Prami throughout b/c you're using a 19 nor
PCT on day 134 (last inj on day 111)
Nolva 40/40/20/20/20 (5 Weeks and these are the daily doses)
Clomid 50/50/25/25 (or you can bump it up slightly with 100 the first week if you don't receive sides from clomid)
HCG starting week 1 until PCT (stop when pct starts) 250iu 2Xweek

Starting,mid, end cycle bloodwork

Things have become more complicated since you've last cycled but this will give the most insurance for recovery and to control sides. If it were me i'd leave the deca out as that complicates things after this much time off.