Newbie cycle Qs...


New member
Whats up guys, this is my first post. I just started my first cycle approx 2 weeks ago. Im doing test e e3d @ 250mg. So it ends of being around 580mg weekly. No real reason for e3d other than more stable levels. My pct will be Just nolvadex 40,30,20,10.. So heres the Q. I got liquid adex from a site that i havent seen any bad reviews on so im pretty sure its legit. Whenever i recieved it i had some concerns because there was no visible raw compound and it taste like BubbleGum. No bad after taste at all. I know adex is at a lower concentration than nolva so it is less likley for the raw chemical to be as visible. I started with .25 ed, then around the beggining of the 2nd week i went to .5 ed , now im upping the dose to 1mg ed because i am having slight nipple pain in a small gland from a old prohormone cycle. Ive started nolvadex at 20mg a day which seems to help SLIGHTLY but in the AM is when i notice the most pain. Do you guys think that the adex is most likely bunk or is it suspected to still have some nipple pain as long as the gland doesnt start to enlarge? Thanks guys...