Newbie intro and questions.


New member
Ok so first off introductions. 21 yr old, 6'1", 190lbs BF% unknown. Ive been lifting for about 4 years now mainly just maintaining strength and health. My jobs extremely physical I pack steel and lift upwards of 100lbs daily in every direction along with hauling hay and fighting with livestock on the family farm.. Ive come to the point where im ready to start really gaining some mass and more power but I honestly have no idea where to start for gear.

I want to bulk and I know I want something dry on about a 8 week cycle, I was looking at 8 weeks on sustanon 250 at 500mg a week because ive read its a great run for a first timer but I would like to run something else with it. I will use clomi from rui for pct.

I have my diet down beef, chicken, rice, deer, rabbit, squirrel pasta, eggs, milk, water, fish, veggies and fruit. most of my food supply is fresh. Farm killed beef an pork from family pastures, amish veggies and river fish caught by me.

Looking for advice on what else I could run with sustanon 250 to achieve my goals. Any input is appreciated and maybe push in the right direction if I need to change or add anything with the clomi.
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Your bit young but if your going to my advice would be you should be using hcg during cycle and add nolva after. Also just you a plain old test. Try enanthate and run for 12 weeks. Forget front loading or prop. I say that because just see how your body reacts to the base compound of all cycles. Do it right and all the best. Do tons of reading as there is sooooo much helpful info on this site. Also I hope to see more posts as guys like mega know lots and are very helpful. Blunt sometimes lol! But knowledgable so listen!!!! GL
Get ur bodyfat checked, if its higher than 12% i suggest u cut down first.. IMO never start a cycle with over 10% MAX 12% bodyfat..

I have always used sust250, have tried enanthate and cypionate but my favorite is sust250 (yes i like the pip from sus), ur idea of 8 weeks on sus at 500mg/week is good, thats enough for a bulking cycle imo, no need to run it longer, if u want to add something add anavar cuz it has pretty much no side effects and it will protect/strengthen ur tendons and ligaments since test weakens them it will be good to use anavar to prevent injuries.. As for dosage id say 60-80mg/day on the last 6 or 4 weeks of cycle..

HCG used best during cycle try 1 shot of like 250 UI Every 3 days starting from week 2 of cycle up to last injection...

As for PCT u can use nolva and clomid.. I like using clomid like this

If u dont have HCG then u can run clomid at 25mg EOD during cycle and it will help to keep ur balls working a bit n keep their size..

Just a final note cuz i forgot to explain: Dont add anything other than anavar on a first cycle cuz u need to know how ur body responds to each compound and since u never ran any before u should know what sides u will get from test.. On second cycle u should use test and only 1 more compound so u know how u react to the other one and it goes on like this.. Better go slow and safe than hurry and regret it later

Week1-2 = 100mg/day
Week2-4 = 50mg/day
Week4-6 = 25mg/day
Week6-8 = 25 mg EOD

Some might call it overkill but thats how i liked to do it, never had sides from clomid so no big deal.
If u dont have HCG then u can run clomid at 25mg EOD during cycle and it will help to keep ur balls working a bit n keep their size..

Rambo: do you have blood work or can you point to studies that show using clomid will help maintain an LH signal to the testicles while take supraphysiological exogenous doses of testosterone?
Rambo: do you have blood work or can you point to studies that show using clomid will help maintain an LH signal to the testicles while take supraphysiological exogenous doses of testosterone?

Nop :( but i started doing this clomid thing during cycle cuz an experienced user from this forum made a very nice clomid post a while back and said that he had been doing it for ages so i started.. His username was Zeek if im not mistaken..

Well what i know is that when taking clomid during cycle my balls keep their size or maybe even bigger and the amount of sperm that comes from an ejaculation doesnt reduce like it normally does when u cycle without HCG or clomid.. That could be a good sign right??

Either way u made me curious now, I have ONfire for the past 6 months i think and just recently started taking clomid again, what blood tests do u suggest i take in order to see if clomid actually works when u r taking steroids??
Nop :( but i started doing this clomid thing during cycle cuz an experienced user from this forum made a very nice clomid post a while back and said that he had been doing it for ages so i started.. His username was Zeek if im not mistaken..

Well what i know is that when taking clomid during cycle my balls keep their size or maybe even bigger and the amount of sperm that comes from an ejaculation doesnt reduce like it normally does when u cycle without HCG or clomid.. That could be a good sign right??

Either way u made me curious now, I have ONfire for the past 6 months i think and just recently started taking clomid again, what blood tests do u suggest i take in order to see if clomid actually works when u r taking steroids??

LH and FSH. If it is doing what you say, there should be a signal from the pituitary to the testicles telling them to make some test.

So when you runna cycle, you use Clomid only during the cycle and no HCG?
It would be totally irresponsible for me to give you ANY advice of AAS because you are too young. Do some reading before you screw up your body. Read the young and steroids.
This gets me , so I have nothing more to say.
Stop and read and get educated and when you are od enough you will be able to know enough to put a cycle together on your own and get it tweaked here
LH and FSH. If it is doing what you say, there should be a signal from the pituitary to the testicles telling them to make some test.

So when you runna cycle, you use Clomid only during the cycle and no HCG?

I did use hcg once during 1 cycle but on my next cycles i used clomid during at like 25mg ED or EOD depending on how heavy the cycle was..

Well i will do Lh and fsh later this week and check things out, hopefully my pituitary isnt fried yet from being 6 months on.. I will post the results here.. But the ideal thing would be for someone who isnt on B C to do this test, either way ill let u kno
@op bro the best advice i can give you from personal expierence is stay away till your at least 25 and your bodyfat is under 15%

I started using gear when i was 18 and i'm 25 now and im on TRT for the rest of my life... and i never did huge cycles, never ran really harsh compounds, and i've always used hcg, an ai, a good PCT protocol, and always followed the time off/ time on theory

and now im stuck with being on TRT which isn't as sweet as you would imagine.... blood work, doctors appointments, added health risks, lots of money, and a lot of other stuff

also about the whole clomid thing, there's no way in hell i'd run clomid longer then necessary, the mental side effects are just horrible.. i'm grateful i'm on TRT and won't have to run clomid unless for some reason fertility because an important issue