Newbie question on dieting and routine for best results


New member
I have had most of my questions answered but still have one more. If anyone can give me any advice based on their own experiences or observations, I would greatly appreciate it.

What kind of work out regime would you recommend? I am currently doing a 2 day on 1 day off, 2 day on, two day off where I hit each muscle twice a week. I do chest, tries, shoulders, quads one day and back, biceps, stomach, hamstrings and calf the other day. Would you recommend sticking to this or switch to a one a week bodypart routine? Just wondering what would be best on a first cycle. I will increase my calories above maintenance by about 500 calories but read you can lose a lot of body fat on a first time cycle as well? I have dieted down to about 15% from 24% and am 46 years old. Would you recommend cutting calories by 500 while on a cycle to lose more bodyfat or increase calories and do more cardio or is that counter productive? I want to lose bodyfat while on my first cycle but had also wanted to get bigger. I know its one or the other but have read for a first time cycle you can do both? I am just wondering what eating and workout regiments work best?


whats your workout history? Is the gym a new thing for you? Any AAS history? check that, just read 'first cycle'! Are you currently doing trt?

If not, its very possible you might need it after your cycle as your natural test may not fully recover. The older we get the harder it is.

If working out is fairly new(2 years or less) I'd focus on that AND your diet until your progress stagnates before you dabble into AAS. Some background about you and your goals will go a long way into answering your questions concerning what probably best for you.
Concentrate on muscle growth and mass during the first 8 weeks of your cycle .. Once everything is fully kicked in and doing it's job (as long as you are),, then towards end of cycle you can cut back calories and cut body fat while keeping your strength and mass gains
Concentrate on muscle growth and mass during the first 8 weeks of your cycle .. Once everything is fully kicked in and doing it's job (as long as you are),, then towards end of cycle you can cut back calories and cut body fat while keeping your strength and mass gains

Fine,, neg rep me for this advice, whoever you are. I'll fucking do this myself and post a log or grab some fucker outta the gym and make him do it and post a log,, wtf
Hi Roush.............

I actually clicked on the little star icon in the lower left corner to add to this user's reputation and entered a good comment? If it came up negative I have no idea why and I apologize if it did. I was only trying to help as you have helped me on numerous posting questions with killer answers. Again.......I apologize if it didn't do what I thought it did.
Thought I gave you a positive rep. Anyway...........thanks for the positive great answer. I will do as you suggested.

Reps ain't shit.. I've been around the block a few, more then a few, times.. And personally I just want to see guys killing it, being smart, and doing this right and being successful in life! For real, we need more winners in the world