I have had most of my questions answered but still have one more. If anyone can give me any advice based on their own experiences or observations, I would greatly appreciate it.
What kind of work out regime would you recommend? I am currently doing a 2 day on 1 day off, 2 day on, two day off where I hit each muscle twice a week. I do chest, tries, shoulders, quads one day and back, biceps, stomach, hamstrings and calf the other day. Would you recommend sticking to this or switch to a one a week bodypart routine? Just wondering what would be best on a first cycle. I will increase my calories above maintenance by about 500 calories but read you can lose a lot of body fat on a first time cycle as well? I have dieted down to about 15% from 24% and am 46 years old. Would you recommend cutting calories by 500 while on a cycle to lose more bodyfat or increase calories and do more cardio or is that counter productive? I want to lose bodyfat while on my first cycle but had also wanted to get bigger. I know its one or the other but have read for a first time cycle you can do both? I am just wondering what eating and workout regiments work best?
What kind of work out regime would you recommend? I am currently doing a 2 day on 1 day off, 2 day on, two day off where I hit each muscle twice a week. I do chest, tries, shoulders, quads one day and back, biceps, stomach, hamstrings and calf the other day. Would you recommend sticking to this or switch to a one a week bodypart routine? Just wondering what would be best on a first cycle. I will increase my calories above maintenance by about 500 calories but read you can lose a lot of body fat on a first time cycle as well? I have dieted down to about 15% from 24% and am 46 years old. Would you recommend cutting calories by 500 while on a cycle to lose more bodyfat or increase calories and do more cardio or is that counter productive? I want to lose bodyfat while on my first cycle but had also wanted to get bigger. I know its one or the other but have read for a first time cycle you can do both? I am just wondering what eating and workout regiments work best?