Newbie questions about injection


New member
Hey guys, first of all, thanks for this great forum, I have probably spent about 4 hours over the past few days just reading through some of the many posts on here. I just started my first cycle today and I had a few questions about injecting.

Firstly, I had my friend walk me through the process who has been doing it for a few years so I didn't mess anything up. He told me that he never pulls the plunger back after sticking the needle in to see if any blood comes up, but I had read multiple posts saying that you should ALWAYS do this to make sure you didn't hit a vein. I also heard that you are supposed to flick the needle after drawing the oil in to remove any large bubbles(he also doesn't do this because he said the bubbles are so small it doesnt matter and to just push the air out of the tip of the needle).

Lastly, I had him do my first injection for me so I would know how to do it on my own in the future. I decided to inject into my glutes since I have heard that it is the least painful spot and the spot with the least amount of veins. My question is how far am I supposed to put the needle in(half way, all the way, etc). Also, after he did my injection I bled for a split second right after he pulled it out which he said never happens to him and I had heard that if you bleed after removing the needle it could mean that you hit a vein, is there any cause for concern or is slight bleeding normal in the glutes?

Thanks in advance for your expertise!
its common to bleed some after a injection , the needle doesnt have to go into a vein to bleed it could just pass through it when the needle is pushed in.

i always draw the plunger back after the needle goes in but its a very very slight bit.

i always flick the syrunge to get the bubbles out , it might not help but it damn sure wont hurt.

welcome to ology.
Google Intermuscular injections. There's tons of info. YouTube even has how to videos. Always aspirate (pull your plunger back) to make sure your not in a vein. Air bubbles won't hurt you when injecting into a muscle. I use a 1.5" needle in my glute and I leave just a little out just in case the needle breaks off I can pull it out. Very very doubtful that would ever happen but it's better safe then sorry. I bleed a very small amount after injecting. Your making a puncture wound into your skin and muscle so it's gonna bleed a little. Just make sure you swab the injection site with rubbing alcohol before AND after you inject and always always use a fresh clean needle.
I have bled after some of my sticks and its really no big deal. It could mean you hit a vein on instertion but passed through it, or because of your capillaries. You also bleed if you get a small laceration too even tho no veins were damaged so blood is not the issue. But as far as not aspirating (pulling back on the plunger) thats just wreckless if you ask me. As a medical professional, I was trained in IM injections and that is a critical fail point if you do not aspirate. All drugs wether its steroids or drugs in a paramedics box, they all act differently when administered either IV, IM or SQ. A buddy of mine did not aspirate and did inject 3ccs of a stack into his vein and he ended up in the hospital for it. It is just an unecessary risk. If youre going to do this, do it right.
its common to bleed some after a injection , the needle doesnt have to go into a vein to bleed it could just pass through it when the needle is pushed in.

i always draw the plunger back after the needle goes in but its a very very slight bit.

i always flick the syrunge to get the bubbles out , it might not help but it damn sure wont hurt.

welcome to ology.
I don't care what you read or who says what about aspirating. I just fail to understand the rationale behind NOT doing something that takes LITERALLY 1-2 seconds to do. It blows my mind...
ALWAYS Aspirate!!! If you have just enough air in the back of it to push every last drop oif the gear out you waste less gear.

Air will not hurt intra-muscularly.
Another tidbit that most guys dont catch:

Pull however many ML's you need from the vial, for example I'll use 2ML. Pull back to 2ML out of the vial.

Take the syringe out of the vial. Then pull the plunger back to 3ML, it should go from the 3ML mark up to the 1ML mark because you drew 2ML, right? NO, it won't.

Notice you actually have almost 2.2ML in the syringe now. The reason being the space between the top line and the tip of the needle isn't accounted for on the syringe.

To avoid wasting gear, do the above and find out how much over your drawing. Then draw that much less each time, and leave just enough air in the syringe by aspirating to push every drop out.

BAM. You use up less gear, and get the same dose.

I hear so many people complain that their vials are 1-2ML's short, when it's almost ALWAYS that person NOT accounting for the above.
Needle depth depends on how big the needle is, and where your injecting.

I use 1.5 for quads and Glutes. and 5/8 for everthing else. I go all the way in.