Newbie questions: Bloodwork, dosing questions?


New member
Hi Guys,

I have been following posts on this site for a while, this is my first post:

I am about to start a round of Osta. This is my first attempt with anything like this and I have several questions.

I want to track the results of what a round does for me. I am going for a DEXA scan and also want to get some blood work, before and after.

1. Any suggestions on what blood tests I should request?

Next: I received my Osta from SarmsSearch which is a 30ML bottle @ 25 mg/ml. After reading the forum I think I am going to target 20-25mg/dose.

2. What is a good method for measuring the dose (as it is a very small amount)?

My Stats:
Age: 43
Workout history: Past 7 years: Consistent heavy weight training regime / previous endurance (marathon/triathlon) amateur athlete
No cycle history

Thanks in advance... Duke

DEXA scan: 17.1% Bodyfat.

Regarding dosing: from what I can find 20 drops = 1ml. Does this sound right?

Blood work: Anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks Appleton,

I am working in Dubai so plenty of clinics to get the blood work. I just need to tell them what I want. I am just not sure what markers I might want to track. Any suggestions?

Regarding the Osta, after looking at all the available Sarms, Osta seems like a good place to start to gain muscle mass and drop some fat at the same time.
Not sure you can find any blood work that will show Osta in your system unless you go the route of a professional athlete anti-doping test. It does not change anything people normally get measured.

For dosing, you can go to just about any pharmacy and ask them for a shild's oral syringe. It looks a lot like an insulin syringe only without a needle and with a bigger hole for the fluid to enter and leave. Tell them you are paranoid about getting the dosing right if they ask. Many places will give you one for free, and if not many sell them in packs of 5 or 10 for very cheap. I have a few I keep and clean - one for each liquid oral (SARM or otherwise) that I use. It also allows you to put the SARM on the far back of your tongue to reduce its taste. :)

25mg a day is where most people like it the best, but starting at 20mg and working up to 30mg is smart. Many find no different between 25 and 30, so they drop back to 25.

I love logs, thanks for logging! Getting DEXA scanned before and after will really show how much fat you lost. The scale will hopefully show your weight going up while the DEXA shows your fat having dropped a bit. :) Make sure to post your workout routine, etc, as well. That way we can help you along the way if needed.

LGD-4033 is more powerful, but you will also need to do PCT after as it completely shuts down your natural test production. Osta is probably the most powerful SARM that only causes slight suppression. For people on TRT, there is no worry about using LGD-4033 since Mother Nature decided to suppress their test levels already (I am one of those unfortunate people).

Happy SARMing!
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I have always wanted to visit Dubai - it is one of the few places in that region that is safe for Westerners, afaik. Israel and the UAE are the two places I can think of in that region where I know I will feel safe to walk around. And Turkey too, almost forgot them.

Nothing has changed in that regard in the UAE, has it?