Newbie seeking your help contains first cycle suggestions


New member
Dear all, i ve been training for a fair amount of time (3years) went from 58 kg to 77 kg droped to 74 in summer with some shredding anyways my body type as you can tell ecto cannot gain weight that easy and cant store much fat also after these years i think i reached mu potential since i been stayin around the same weight for a long time even though i change routines shock muscles and diet ! My height is 1.82 i guess i can go to 80 kg but i have no idea how much time or effort will need so decided to first cycle which i am searching for years but what i cannot decide is wheter i go with nanadrolon prop combined with testo prop or go with nanandrolon enant and testo enant because i want some lean muscle gains ,2-3 kg to be exact amount and reach muscle thickness. If you guys can help with this decision it would be great thanks for the replies
Hey i am 27 years old well i did educate myself over the years but problem is that i cannot decide which is the best for me and trying to seek help here my initial thought it for 10 weeks
First week with nanandrlon prop and testo 100 ml following weeks with 200 mg each week with high protein and carb diet