newbie test questions


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Got a few questions about test 250 enanthate

I joined a few months back asking about my first cycle. I was two weeks and 4 1cc doses into it. Test 250E. In my arm and was told needs to be in butt. And I was told to take off a few weeks with nothing then start a pst for four weeks. Reboot and start over.

So here I am. Just wondering what your best advice would be. As far as,,, take the test half cc first week then full second week and stack with ____ on week three threw ? Then a proper pst. I have the test e 250 and was wondering if I should stack it with deca or something else.

I'm 28 6' 170lbs, and 6-7% fat, according to a hand held device. And I'm looking to bulk up maybe 15 lbs. thanks
Got a few questions about test 250 enanthate

I joined a few months back asking about my first cycle. I was two weeks and 4 1cc doses into it. Test 250E. In my arm and was told needs to be in butt. And I was told to take off a few weeks with nothing then start a pst for four weeks. Reboot and start over.

So here I am. Just wondering what your best advice would be. As far as,,, take the test half cc first week then full second week and stack with ____ on week three threw ? Then a proper pst. I have the test e 250 and was wondering if I should stack it with deca or something else.

I'm 28 6' 170lbs, and 6-7% fat, according to a hand held device. And I'm looking to bulk up maybe 15 lbs. thanks

Hold up. You were told to do 4 injections and then stop for a few weeks followed by a post cycle therapy (pct) (not pst) and then start another 4 shot "cycle"?? You REALLY need to read up on how this is done my man. Are you using an AI? For starters, a proper cycle with long esters is done for 10-16 weeks straight THEN a post cycle therapy (pct) is performed a couple weeks after your last pin.

Please read the stickies before you hurt yourself.
I was told to stop because I started wrong. And was told the same thing. Don't waste a cycle and do it right. Everyone says something different.

And going off what other people have posted is not exactly what I'm looking for. Because I don't want to do more harm than good. Being that some of the post I have seen is from 6' 250lb guys. I'm here to find out where to go from here.
this is what i dont get , why do u not do your own research and learn even just A TINY little bit about what u are doing before u do it . u jump into this so blindly and rely on everyone to tell what and how to do it ? kind of sad man . first , dont stack it with deca , u hardly know what ur doing with test , u need to take test e at 500mg per week for 12 weeks (250mg mon - 250mg thurs ) without stopping , use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like aromasin or arimidex entire cycle every other day , post cycle therapy (pct) starts 2 weeks after your last test injection . using clomid and nolva , hope fully now u can do a little bit of your own research and figure out what doses u need for post cycle therapy (pct) and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) . u never know the bs people will feed you , what im telling u now can be all bs , do your own research .
this is what i dont get , why do u not do your own research and learn even just A TINY little bit about what u are doing before u do it . u jump into this so blindly and rely on everyone to tell what and how to do it ? kind of sad man . first , dont stack it with deca , u hardly know what ur doing with test , u need to take test e at 500mg per week for 12 weeks (250mg mon - 250mg thurs ) without stopping , use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like aromasin or arimidex entire cycle every other day , post cycle therapy (pct) starts 2 weeks after your last test injection . using clomid and nolva , hope fully now u can do a little bit of your own research and figure out what doses u need for post cycle therapy (pct) and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) . u never know the bs people will feed you , what im telling u now can be all bs , do your own research .

^^^^ This is what doing any appreciable amount of research will lead you to know.

There are stickies at the top of this forum which outline all of this stuff, yet people still need to be TOLD what to do. Amazing.
Okay I'm a total noob when it comes to this stuff but I want to start Testesterone300 and Nandrolone Decanoate
I was going to buy 23 gauge 3cc/ml 1.5" syringes is that good?
Also for the dosing I'm gonna take 300mg of test300 per week and 200mg of nandrolone decanoate per week so is 1cc 300mg of test300? and 1cc 200mg deca?
each vial is 10ml and im going to buy 2 vials of each and im going to cycle for 12 weeks is that the right amount of time for a cycle?
Got a few questions about test 250 enanthate

I joined a few months back asking about my first cycle. I was two weeks and 4 1cc doses into it. Test 250E. In my arm and was told needs to be in butt. And I was told to take off a few weeks with nothing then start a pst for four weeks. Reboot and start over.

So here I am. Just wondering what your best advice would be. As far as,,, take the test half cc first week then full second week and stack with ____ on week three threw ? Then a proper pst. I have the test e 250 and was wondering if I should stack it with deca or something else.

I'm 28 6' 170lbs, and 6-7% fat, according to a hand held device. And I'm looking to bulk up maybe 15 lbs. thanks

do some research before you screw yourself all up man. read up on doing a proper PCT, AI's especially if your gyno prone, and hcg so you dont end up with peas for nuts. Theres alot more to a cycle than just shooting up test!
Andrew 3093 looks like you should do a little more research youself, you're unsure if 300 milligram is 1cc kind of an obvious sign that your skimping on research, look guys wouldn't a little more research be a lot better been doing permanent damage to yourself be patient grasshopper, also I saw nothing about PCT do you have PCT in your possession never start a cycle as this is more important than the cycle itself...........
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I'm doing research now. Asking questions. And thank you for the advice. I have read a lot of newbie stickys. And I'm not jumping into anything now. I have been told for my first cycle only test. And others have said y just test ? I'm not looking to make this a year or five in and out cycle process. Just 20 lbs or so. I can do it naturally just figured a little jump won't hurt with proper research.
Test only is the recommendation so you know how you react to that product, typical 500 mg split into bi-weekly doses. You need to have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) product on hand and consider dosing when you start the cycle, dose and schedule will vary according to the product you get.
Also be prepared for the post cycle therapy with the meds necessary to kick the boys back into production.
If you read the serm, Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and pct sticky you will have a good start
hand held device for bf is total bullshit, if i dont tense up when i do it, it says im at about 13%, but when i tense up it drops to about 6% :p, just throwing it out there, or at least it did when i did it like 2 years ago
hand held device for bf is total bullshit, if i dont tense up when i do it, it says im at about 13%, but when i tense up it drops to about 6% :p, just throwing it out there, or at least it did when i did it like 2 years ago

Yea I thought so. Kinda cheesy devise. But I did it several times and it didn't range but 1% or so from 5 to 7. So I just went with 6%