Newbie To Steroids Need Help With Steroid Cycle!!!!


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Hello guys,

I'm 27 yrs old 5'9 160 lbs, 32 in waist, 14.5 in biceps and 38.5 chest. some what lean built 14% body fat "mesomorph". I have a bottle of Test Cypionate 300mg/ml and a bottle of Deca 300 Nandrolone 300mg/ml. Planning on Stacking both of these. Considering that I have never used steroids before what dosage of CC's/ML would you guys recommend per week, and how many weeks should my first cycle last. Also should I use some sort of estrogen blocker...after my first cycle how long should I wait to start a 2nd cycle?
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Alot of issues here. I'll start with the obvious first. You do not have enough gear for a cycle. If the bottles are 10ml. Deca is used with more experiences users and cone with prolactin sides. A first cycle should be test only. Test only at 500 a week for 12 weeks.
Hello guys,

I'm 27 yrs old 5'9 160 lbs, 32 in waist, 14.5 in biceps and 38.5 chest. some what lean built 14% body fat "mesomorph". I have a bottle of Test Cypionate 300mg/ml and a bottle of Deca 300 Nandrolone 300mg/ml. Planning on Stacking both of these. Considering that I have never used steroids before what dosage of CC's/ML would you guys recommend per week, and how many weeks should my first cycle last. Also should I use some sort of estrogen blocker...after my first cycle how long should I wait to start a 2nd cycle?

Agree. You should do a test only cycle first for 10-12 weeks. Here is the cycle I'm going to run. I'm not an expert, so if anyone wants to chime in please do:


*1-12 wk -- test-cryp or test E 400mg/2ml per week = 2 pins 200mg/1ml sun/wed

*1-12 wk-- Arimidex .25 EOD

*10 consecutive days of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500 ui daily after last injection.

* On the 4th day after the completion of HCG, begin PCT as follows:
nolvadex 40/40/20/20