Newbie's first cycle...quick question..

Hey everyone this will be my first cycle and i want to make sure everything is spot on...

I will be running...

Testosterone ethanate 500mg per week for 12 weeks
Arimidex .25mg everyday 15 weeks (right up till PCT)
Hcg 500iu per week 12 weeks
Hcg 1000iu everyday for the last 10 days of cycle

Clomid 50mg everyday for 4 weeks
Nolva 40mg for 14 days / 20mg everyday for 14 days

can someone explain needles and syringes for me please 23gauge to draw from vial then a 25gauge to inject?

My question is would running the HCG throughout the cycle Be okay? and am I missing anything or does this sound like a pretty good first cycle with correct PCT?

Thanks in advance for any and all input

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Looks good! I use 22g to inject and some close friends prefer 23g (less of a prick going in) but 25g IMO will take forever to get the oil into you so use 23g. 18g to draw but honestly drawing needles don't matter on size, it's only so we don't dull the one going into us.
You at not need the adex every other day esp on a test only
My suggestion would be .25 every other day. Get mid cycle bloods to see estradol
I use 23 to draw. I also use 23 to inject in glutes
Everywhere else I use 25g for thighs,delts and lats

I feel like 25 may be a bit to big for delts Becasue my delts always hurt like a bitch after
Awesome thanks for the info guys!
If i run aromasin instead of Arimidex how should i roll with that? 12.5/mg a day?
and i understand that i can literally draw the test e and HCG into same syringe and only pin once correct?
I draw and pin with the same needle so long as I am only drawing from 1 vial. I find that 25ga works fine for all, but that is personal pref as you will find your own.
I would also start AI at EOD. Don't want to crash your E2.
Not much of a fan of front loading unless it's prop. Save your money. Orals are a good kicker if that's all you're looking for. First 4 weeks 40mg dbol :)
ok cool thanks man and just so i know my math is correct

1amp=250mg so if im doing 500/wk thats 1 amp twice a week correct...So I would need to purchase 24 amps for a 12 week cycle...