next cycle!! hows it look?


New member
My next cycle is gonna look something like this!
wk 1-4 test prop100mg/eod
wk 1-4 dbol 25mg/ed
wk 1-12 deca 500mgs/wk
wk 1-14 test cyp 600mgs/wk
if yall would change anything im open to all suggestions thanks!
do u not think that it will help in that extra 4 weeks if so then im gonna run just the prop alone and cut out the cyp? because i have neveer ran prop and my buddy hit it and keep all gains from it and like no water what do u think?
do u not think that it will help in that extra 4 weeks if so then im gonna run just the prop alone and cut out the cyp? because i have neveer ran prop and my buddy hit it and keep all gains from it and like no water what do u think?

test is test, the esters differ in a time release fashion. You can run a shorter prop cycle that could mirror a longer cyp cycle, results depend on diet/training/rest. Your proposed cycle says you're gonna stack prop with cyp for first 4wks with a combined total of a gram of test....
ok so correct me if i miss understood your saying run the prop alone then start the cyp ? i know its not the best mix cause prop is short and deca is long but thats why i was cutting the prop out at week four i was baiscly just kickstarting the cycle. then i figured by the time i stop the prop the cyp ester would be just kicking in so to speak. So thats a bad idea?
Oh and save the test prop for another cycle. Just run the cyp.

Agrees! unless your gona use the Prop as a primer but there no sense in running that and cycp at the same time like u showed! In my opinion! At best I would add the cyp in week 3 if your determined to run the prop! only to give that week for it to saturate! But then again I wouldnt use prop any ways. I like Sustanon (sust) as a primer for its blends for the first week or to then on to long esters for me!
ok great man that was very help ful i see your reasoning now i might just try the Sustanon (sust) then how do u normally run that?
id run test enan,instead of cyp as you will get better quality gains than with cyp,also you may wanna run dostinex 0.5mg once/twice per week to stop deca dick and prolactic sides bro n keep your sex drive up.i wouldnt bother with prop ,like others say leave that for another cycle,you have orals to kick start the cycle bro.:blue: