Next cycle


New member
So my next cycle has to start about 2 weeks early b/c of work so im only gonna have 8 weeks off insted of 10 and my last cycle was 10 weeks test400 400mg a week. This cycle I was gonna run Test E 800mg a week with aromasin but cant get that so im gonna run letrozole instead .05 eod to start and adajust as needed then use nolva on my post cycle therapy (pct). How dose this sound to yall this will be a bulk cycle with a split workout 3000+ cal a day. Thx
So my next cycle has to start about 2 weeks early b/c of work so im only gonna have 8 weeks off insted of 10 and my last cycle was 10 weeks test400 400mg a week. This cycle I was gonna run Test E 800mg a week with aromasin but cant get that so im gonna run letrozole instead .05 eod to start and adajust as needed then use nolva on my post cycle therapy (pct). How dose this sound to yall this will be a bulk cycle with a split workout 3000+ cal a day. Thx

How many cycles do you have under your belt?? Honestly if you are growing nice on 500mg per week of test, then I would just stick to that or maybe bump up to 650, etc. Then again, I am not a fan of large dosages until you really know your body. Why can't you get Aromasin?? Its very easy to order online. You can also take some Adex as well. All the site sponsors carry it man. Also, how many weeks are you going to run this cycle?? I would recommend 12 week cycles. With long ester gear, I feel 10 weeks is too short. As for PCT, I would throw in some Clomid with the Nolva at 50mg per day for 4-6 weeks. You planning to use any Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as well??
This is my second cycle as of now about 16 years ago I started and ran 20+ then I joins the service then had a kid. Now I'm back to it! I want som Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) but my source is out and out of arsom. I just got hooked up with this guy after my old source stopped and I hate getting stuff off line to be honest. This cycle will be 14 weeks I did a short one last time to see how my body would take it. I had good gains and post cycle therapy (pct) went well so I may just stay about 650 then and cal intake should be 5000+ not 3000. Ill eat about every 3 hours taking in 30-40 grams of protein each time and that will include getting up at night to eat. Low rep heavy weight split workout.
RUI has great products for pct and estrogen control. I would run adex in stead of letro as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) that way you can keep your letro just in case of prolactin sides. I've had amazing results from t400 just make sure it's run for atleast 12 weeks
Well today was my second pin hit my tri not bad had a little pip but after the workout and streching it went away. to soon to tell on this new gear I got if its gtg or not but we shall see. I do know thast my last cycle I was pining with a 23g and i went down to a 25g its a big diff in the time it takes to inject with the 23g on T400 I had to go slow but this 25g with Test E 250 doing 1.5 ml takes just as long as the test 400 at .5. 5x5 workout and eating good about 35 grams of protein every 2.5 to 3 hours Ill post back up around the third week that way i should feel the test and know if its gtg.
Well third week so far pins have been right tri delt and peck then left peck and delt. Feeling gtg got a few zits but they come up on my head and thighs so no one sees a 32 year old with zits. Test is working started to feel the boost on last friday. Hungry all the time but thats good where im bulking. The 5x5 is going good im getting great pumps from it and feel a good burn after. Ill keep yall up to date has the cycle runs on.
Starting week 4 of this cycle all is going well so far just waiting to feel the full effect should be next week or the week after. Pinned my right tri last week and it was a bitch hurt like hell for a few days but its all good now today was a quad and thrus will be quad. Would love to hit my gluts but I can aspirate when I pin them. I tried last cycle and dropped the pin well it didnt drop just was sticking outta my ass till I got a hold of it again and that was an WTF moment.
On week 8 and so far so good Ive made good gains been doing a 5x5 program and feel good. Only issue so far is the zits have started on my arms and chest thats a 1st for me all the other cycles its been my back and thighs oh well the gains Ive made make it all good.