Nick Dinardo teen N.J. champ killed 6/18/06


New member
Once of my closest friends and long time bodybuilder was killer here in ft. lauderdale early sunday morn. Nick as many remember was in the Muscle and Fitness add " ALL I EVER WANTED TO BE WAS A BODYBUILDER" for xendrine and cybergenics for many years.
As I write this with many tears in my eyes,a good friend,brother devoted son and uncle will never be forgoten.
My condolences to you and the family. This is why we all have to remember that tomorrow is not promised to anyone. We have t remember to make sure that we tell the people that are important to us that we love them, invest in them and be there for them. Also we need to remember to experience life to it's fullest.

Yari - I know it's painful bro. Hang in there and try to remember him through the things he influenced most in your life. God bless.
thanks all for support..i really thought more guys would have remembered Nick from his before and after shot in M&F that ran for years.
He also competed angainst guys like Vince Galante, and Gerard Dente in the late 80's early 90's ..anyway thanks all for supporting me and a true brother.
I remember Nick, they still using his pics to advertise cybergenics. I was looking through an old mag and saw an ad for Xenadrine, and it had nick there, it said he was | pro bobybuilder, and i so i did a search on Nick on google and then found this page . Very sorry.
I realise its been years now, but are you able to talk about what happened? How was he killed?