Nitric Oxide-XT from research-ology


New member
I noticed that research-ology is having a sale on Nitric Oxide-XT. My friend says that he love pumps and energy boosts that he gets from Nitric Oxide. I was wondering who here has experience with Nitric Oxide and your opinions about it.
NO2 products give you a pump. thats it. they do nothing for building muscle,or strength, and in most peoples opinion a complete and total waste of money.and the long term effects can be very bad.
like diego said-"shit"
bor its a waste of dollars.period. it does nothing in the way of increasing muscle size or strength. no one is getting any real gains of no2 peoducts. its even more of a waste if your on cycle, the money could be better spent on something that actually works, like food.