NO you SHOULD NOT tell your Doc about AAS use NO your record is NOT safe! see here>

Here is another "keep it to yourself" vote. AAS are stigmatized to the degree that most people lump you in with people who do recreational drugs. They think of roid users as anger freaks, muscle heads, or worse. Doctors are no different. They judge you...on a personal level. There is nothing worse than being treated like a criminal.

Medical school doesn't prepare physicians to deal with patients with supraphysiological levels of hormones. It's considered drug abuse and a few narrow field of medicine are educated and informed enough to monitor your health. So your family doctor of 15 years may know less than you do about the subject.

Finally, doctors are businessmen/women. If they are in private practice, they own their business. If you take some UGL product, or any other illicit drug that you didn't get from them, you may not be able to seek treatment from them anyl longer. Who knows if what you are taking is good, bad, or in between for your health? They won't risk their license or livelihood for you.

Keep it to yourself.
I won't reiterate what everyone else here has said suffice to say that the less records out there about you in any regard the better. If you ever get in medical or legal trouble, a detailed record of your past however benign it may seem to you, will be used against you. That doesn't mean you don't seek counsel or get help if something isn't right. There's just no need to spill the beans. "The first rule of fight club is..."
Im sorry but there is zero proof of this at all. Please leave hysteria out of the forums.

Beginning in 2014 every American will have to carry health insurance or pay a penalty. That much the Supreme Court’s June 28 decision on the Affordable Care Act made perfectly clear. What the justices’ ruling didn’t resolve: how the individual mandate will be enforced. That task, along with dozens of others, now falls to the IRS.

Over the next year and a half, the agency has to figure out a way to flag the tax returns of the 3 million people expected to skip insurance. It has to come up with a system for doling out annual subsidies to 18 million people who make roughly $45,000 or less, and another mechanism to deliver yearly tax credits to small businesses—all the while making sure nobody games the system. It will have to start collecting taxes on medical devices as well as a Medicare surtax on Americans who make more than $200,000. It also will be responsible for conducting more audits of tax-exempt hospitals.

All told, the IRS has to enforce 47 tax provisions under Obamacare.
Policing Obamacare, America's Newest Tax - Bloomberg

The IRS is the enforcement group for Obamacare. Not sure how much power to look inside your medical record that gives them, but it gives them the power to force your insurance company to show you have insurance with them at the bare minimum. Remember, there are 47 new provisions (ie, new powers) given to the IRS due to Obamacare. Obamacare, the larges tax on the poor to ever strike the United States.
I have read the affordable care act and it in no way shape or form gives the IRS acess to your health records.

Please show me where it does.

I read over the changes the IRS says it needed to make (IE, expanded powers over us) and it does not say they can look at your record. HOWEVER, they can (and will) ask why coverage is dropped or denied and the health provider is required to tell the IRS why. The IRS has no restrictions on what they can and cannot tell law enforcement.

So you are correct, they cannot look into your medical records, but they still CAN find out about AAS use if you get dropped or denied coverage. Then you are doomed.

Here is the link to the IRS expanded powers info:

There is indeed proof that the IRS will have access to and USE your medical records for their decisions on your health care and your future taxation.

Please post this proof, with your source. I have found nothing that says this anywhere
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I read over the changes the IRS says it needed to make...
Here is the link to the IRS expanded powers info:

Please post this proof, with your source. I have found nothing that says this anywhere

Nothing wrong with updating an old post with some new information...LOL. The challenges of staying current on quality UGL sources and IRS Tax code are equally challenging. Glad to see people are still interested..

Here's a link to an article from back in 2013. It was a major case that created a lot of buzz, with regards to the topic of IRS and medical records.

Forbes Welcome

Remember, we are nothing more than cattle, simply blocking the road to a total government technocracy. They are constantly probing, to see how far they can go and how much they can get away with, before the masses react. They hate the protections afforded to all Americans under the US Constitution, so they look for ways around it. This is why this country is in the sad state of affairs it's in, because (as a collective of "one") we're generally reactive, not proactive. Meaning we don't read the law being passed, we wait til we get shafted to go back and look. This is why the TPP/TAP are such hot button issues right now. That represents the next, and final, shoe to drop.

Here's a link
Even if the IRS doesn't have access to your medical records (yet), we see the massive abuse of powers when we look back.

The IRS specifically targeted non Liberal, non profit groups. That would be groups like the Tea Party or Constitutionalists. It was very illegal. Never mind the attempt to by the IRS to completely destroy all evidence and wipe computers clean, when they got busted.

So I ask you, do you really believe that your health insurance records are "un-obtainable" by the IRS or any other agency. I believe anything is possible at this point. I'll be voting for MR TRUMP.
vote for a revolution, vote for a recall and restart on elections.. no offense but your screwed with Hillary or trump... im only next door and even I am worried... shits messed up.. Trump lets out his messed up views atleast, atleast you know hes an ass and doesnt put on as much of a show IMO, but both are messed up in my opinion
Just have to get in first then you can both sit there bullshiting each other ;-)
Denied it all no doc no idea why my test levels are double that of a normal man no Mr police officer I have no idea why half a kg of Raw test powder was sent to my address from China
just have to get in first then you can both sit there bullshiting each other ;-)
denied it all no doc no idea why my test levels are double that of a normal man no mr police officer i have no idea why half a kg of raw test powder was sent to my address from china

vote for a revolution, vote for a recall and restart on elections.. no offense but your screwed with Hillary or trump... im only next door and even I am worried... shits messed up.. Trump lets out his messed up views atleast, atleast you know hes an ass and doesnt put on as much of a show IMO, but both are messed up in my opinion

I'm going to go use a technique that has stood the test of time, the Benjamin Franklin technique on how to make a good decision. Only, instead of pros and cons, I'll create these 2 categories:

1) Nominees that represent "no change" in the current direction of the USA and it's policies???
2) Nominees that represent "change" in the current direction of the USA and it's policies??

There's only 1 nominee that falls under category 2, Donald Trump. He is not a politician. Never will be. He's the product of Americans trying to revolt against tyranny the only way we can, with our votes.

This situation, reminds me of the old adage: "Beggars can't be choosy". These are the only choices we have. Our last, and final, hope. No one else is coming to the rescue.

Next stop is: Bye American dollar; Bye Canadian dollar; Bye Peso; and hello to the North American Monetary Union and the "Amero".

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I'm going to go use a technique that has stood the test of time, the Benjamin Franklin technique on how to make a good decision. Only, instead of pros and cons, I'll create these 2 categories:

1) Nominees that represent "no change" in the current direction of the USA and it's policies???
2) Nominees that represent "change" in the current direction of the USA and it's policies??

There's only 1 nominee that falls under category 2, Donald Trump. He is not a politician. Never will be. He's the product of Americans trying to revolt against tyranny the only way we can, with our votes.

This situation, reminds me of the old adage: "Beggars can't be choosy". These are the only choices we have. Our last, and final, hope. No one else is coming to the rescue.

Next stop is: Bye American dollar; Bye Canadian dollar; Bye Peso; and hello to the North American Monetary Union and the "Amero".


Save your confederate dollars boys, the South gonna rise again :) View attachment 565478